Chapter 18

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My heart break into pieces knowing I am the reason Tian cried.

I've waited for so long for him to call me Phupha and when it did...

"Its hurts Phupha..." Tian voices keep repeating on my head, it is so heartbreaking and knowing the fact I was the reason of it... I feel drowned.

"You are so stupid Phupha!!" I shout to myself while pulling my hair out. I ran my hand over my face with frustration.

"Ai Phu? What is wrong with you? Where is Tian?" Doc enter my room and start to look around.

"I thought of doing check up on him."

"He left..." Doc just looked at me and he knows I've already screwed everything up.

"What have you done this time Phu?"

I confessed of all that I have done since the football games and what just happen with Tian

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I confessed of all that I have done since the football games and what just happen with Tian. Doc didn't interrupt, he just keep listening till I was done.

I am ready for what ever Doc have to say for my stupidity.

"Do you know what your mistake is Phupha?" I turn to Doc and waiting for his further explanation, because even I know I was wrong for avoiding Tian, I know there's some clueless factor that make this all turn further disaster.

"It is the same as your last one." Doc continue... and I'm waiting for him to enlighten me with his wisdom.

"You forgot to ask Tian what he wants. You didn't communicate with him. You just assume and have the decision all by yourself which excludes him. Hence, it makes him feels you were pushing him away. Beause it is true, on his side you did." I admit I have been deciding and handling on this insecurities all by myself. I've been so overwhelm with Luke statement till I forgot the most essential things.

What Tian needs and wants?

Because I swear I'll be what ever he wanted me to be as long as he is by my side. I am too afraid of what the future might be that making me neglect the present.

"One thing I learn in a relationship is... Do not ever think it is a you or I, it is always we or us." I nod as I understand what he meant. Doc clapping my shoulder for assurance and I wish I wasn't too late to amend this.

"Aw, Rang where are you coming from?" Doc ask Rang who just join us at the lounge table.

"I just came from the airport sending Tian. He left and return to Bangkok. I told him to rest first but you know him, stubborn."

"What? Why didn't you stop him." I don't bother to wait for Rang respond and just straight to my room and grab my bag pack.

I need to get my Tian back.

In 10 minutes I am back and ready to go...

"Rang, I put you in charge of the base. Do not.. I repeat do NOT contact me unless it was an emergency!"

And I just left Doc and Rang without wasting more time with them and planning my quickest route to Bangkok.


Doc Nam

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