Chapter 36

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That afternoon, the doctor had decided that they need to observe Tian for another day. So he still can't return to his home yet and we need to stay at the hospital for another night.

I managed to beg him to let me accompany him till he was discharged from the hospital and safely back at home. Even all I got was a frown-y Tian... but I take it as a yes since he didn't kick me out.

 but I take it as a yes since he didn't kick me out

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I don't give a damn at my work, at this moment. I need to be with Tian as much as I can.

I still didn't know what Tian's decision... all I know is he were asking for a space. Plus, he is still recuperate and I am glad he is getting better. I am just going to take it a step at a time.

I ask Doc Nam to came and fetch us up the next day.

Now, Tian can go home after two nights at the hospital. He still didn't talk with me that much and I didn't push him.

As he needed space and time, and what ever he want, I'm going to give it to him.

No matter how hurting it was. It still doesn't compare with what Tian had been through.

I update Rang and request for him to stay in with Tian and he will start from today. The school is still on holiday, and the park is almost ready now. What's left is just a finishing touch and landscape maintenance. I am sure Tian is excited to get back on it as soon as possible.

"Tian, I'm going to get my things and return to the base. Rang will come once he 's finish with work and stay with you." I update Tian once we arrived at home, and he is now settling down at the living area.

"Please just rest, I'll ask Rang to bring back some food for your dinner OK." I continue and he just nod but still ignoring me.

He seldom or almost never even look at my eyes this past few days, and I am OK even it's sadden me.

I'll be fine, I have to be fine... as long as he didn't push me away out of his life for good, I will be fine.

The atmosphere felt stifling, and though I'm trying to remain calm, the anticipation and anxiety are knotting my stomach and pressing down my chest as I'm about to walk out from our home, back to the room at base, back to that lonely and noisy bed.

I should be optimistic. I can do this. I can win him back.

Baby steps, Phu.

I go to our room and pack my bag. Once finish and ready to leave, I check for Tian again. He is still resting at the sofa... reading.

"Tian..." I kneel at his feet.

He slowly putting the book away and finally I can see his eyes looking at me after he noticed my bag.

I grab his hand and hold it tights. I felt relieve as he let me. I bravely kissing his hands, breathe in his scent, as I don't know when he going to let me do this again.

"I am leaving, but I am not letting you go. You are still the love of my life, always be and its never changes since the day that I told you I love you. I know you need time and space. But, do know that I hate every second that we were apart." My voices were dismayed with longing.

He straightened his body and continue looking at me. He is as sad as me. I made him miserable, I did this. I am the reason Tian loses his smiles.

"Take care of yourself, if you need anything, just ask Rang or Yod. I'll be waiting for you to let me come home." I lower my head to kiss his hand and raised my head and look straight into his eyes.

"You are my home Tian." I can't hold it anymore and my tears drop.

I closed my eyes as grief and longing lances through me.

Slowly he removed his hand and turn his head away as his tears welled his eyes. I stand up and boldly kiss his forehead.

"I love you Tian..." I grab my bag and walk away.

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