Chapter 32

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We left as early as dawn for the first village.

With all the supplies and the route conditions toward the village ,we need to plan our time accordingly. Each village going to require an intense travel conditions plus with all the equipment and supply it will makes things harder.

But I am glad that all of our team member were in good condition and were used with intensive travel conditions.

Around noon we were safely arrive at the first village. The population in this village was half of Pha Phan Dao in terms of number and all were delightly accepting the vaccination correspondingly  without any hurdle and its such a relieve.

I've prepared the medical team with the possibility of disapproval from the villagers in accepting the vaccination, but all seems well so far.

The team will spend overnight at this village before starting our journey early tomorrow morning for our second village.

This village welcome us with warmth. At night, they provided us with a feast which is common and well expected from most of the village at this north.

All of the convoy were dancing with the local folks and seems to have a happy moment.

This work might be physically challenging but the emotional satisfaction was greater. Seeing how simple things such as embracing this villages people with care and in return, they will provide you with familial bonding, this is beyond all the materialistic value you can have.

I was enjoying seeing Yod playing with the child as they dance when Waan come sit next to me.

"The kids looks so happy right?" She ask.

"Yes, they does. I remember how carefree living as a child was." I say as I continue to look at them.

"Why Chief, are you saying your life is miserable as you grow up?" She tease.

"Ha ha... maybe. Responsibility seems to suck all the fun away Waan." I carelessly answer her.

But suddenly she turn silent. I turn to look at her and her face were serious and maybe sad?

"I thought I was pregnant few weeks after I left Pha Phan Dao" My heart beat fast with his words.

But I take a deep breath and try to remain calm while await for her to continue. She continue to speak as she blankly looking at the kids playing.

"But no worry... as you see, I didn't." She turn to look at me. Her face turn sad.

"Even at that time I was afraid with the possibility of getting pregnant, but after a while, I realized I am more sad when I learn I was not. I guess part of me were looking forward in coming back to Pha Phan Dao and having a life with you." Waan continue, and they're now tears running down her eyes and I don't know what to do.

"You should at least call and we can talk Waan. We are still friends even when you left right?" I asked her, hoping to calm her down.

"I know... but the mere idea of talking with you going to make it harder for me Chief. So, I kept myself strong to finish my doctorate till I am full practice. You don't know how much I pray for the opening in Pha Phan Dao, I even ask Doc Nam to alert me if there was. Thank god he remember my request." She continue.

My merely guilt that I have before, turns greater. Learning Waan feelings for me was not easy. I try to calm her, hoping my company will sooth her heart ache.

After a while she seems to be fine and we are back joining the feast with the villagers. After all is done, we all turn to bed as we all need to rest as so much energy were needed for tomorrow journey.

I suddenly back to think on Waan mentions when she thought she was pregnant.

I wonder what will happen if she does...




The next village vaccination process when well as well.

We are now just arriving at village number three, the last one for this mission. Which is the farthest from other community here at north region.

I am expecting a possible aggression of declining vaccination from this villages compares to other.

Towards the end of session, we receive a railing from a man who seems to be refusing to let his wife and kids to get the vaccination even when they wanted it.

"I said NO!" The man were shouting as he was pulling his wife away from the seat. I ran to the counter to control the situation.

Waan seems adamant to make the man understand the importance of the vaccinations. The man seems to be do not care a words from Waan. When his wife seems to be disregarding his disapproval, he blamed Waan and start to verbally attacking.

As I was try to get the village head, the man were attacking Waan and she were pushed to the ground and her elbow were hardly scratch with round, large and textured stone.

Seeing the bleed, turn my rage as the man caused her injury.

"You need to back down and calm yourself!" I turn my rage to the man by holding himself from continuing to attack people around him. As he realize what happen to Waan, he calm down and cower down from my feral defensed.

The head of the village arrive in time to take away the man away from the distribution area.

Waan medical assistant already help her stand up from the ground, and proceed with the treatment. The wound were quit bad but no stitching were needed and she seems fine.

"Are you OK Waan?" I checked on her as the atmosphere were getting calmer and the team manage to resume with the program till finish.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a minor scratch." She casually respond.

"You should have ignore the man Waan..." I continue.

"How can I, his family obviously wanted to be vaccinated but he was determined in not letting them taking it with all his ridiculous reason. I won't bother if they didn't want as well, but he clearly ignoring his family right." She continue to defend her reasons.

"Yes, I understand, but you should worry your safety first na. Look what happen to you now, this can be avoided if you stay calm when dealing with emotional man like that." She seems to be digesting my words.

"Yes, I know. I just overwhelm with the situation just now. I'm sorry if I caused you trouble." I subconsciously stroking her hair... appreciate her understanding.

"It's OK, I am just glad you were not seriously injured." I stand to leave, but Waan was grabbing my hand holding me from leave.

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