Chapter 13

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The lunch was good, we all enjoyed our time together.

I also finally managed to properly catch up with Doc. His wife is now apparently working at nearby town health facility. So they were no longer in a long distance relationship and I can see Doc is happy with his marriage life.

I suddenly remember that I need to get Chief permission.

"Chief..." I ask for him as I turn my body to face him, we are now lounging at the front porch enjoying some fruits.

"Yes..? What is it?" He turn and now await for my further explanations.

"Can I have my friends visiting Pha Phan Dao?" I don't know what to expect on Chief respond but I wish this is going to be smooth.

"Who? Tul?" He ask.

"Yes... Tul and my friend who studied together in New York, he is Thai but he had been living since forever in the States and he would like to visit Pha Phan Dao. " I continue to explain.

"Is it going to be OK Chief?" I turn to look at Doc. He is now enjoying looking at me who is currently kinda begging to the Chief.

"Yes Tian, but you need to let Rang or Yod accompany you and your friend all the time. It can be a bit dangerous for an outsider visiting. And I haven't deal with you yet on refusing Rang accompanies to and from school." Oh... I've already forgotten about that.

"Yes, Tian." Doc say who seems to be backing up Chief warnings.

"It can be dangerous for a visitor, as it may attract attentions for the border thugs to kidnap and ask for ransom. This had happened before, so you really need to listen to your Chief OK." I diligently listened to Doc and look at Chief.

I gave him my sweetest smile...

"Messages well received Chief... Phi Doc. I promise we will be careful and will be listening to our Chief guides..." Chief seems to be happy with my surrender.

"I am going let Tul know. So is it OK for them to arrive on next Monday?" I ask Chief for confirmation.

"Yes, sure. I will ask Rang or Yod to fetch them at the city." Chief respond.

"Thank you Chief..." I give him my appreciative smile while flashing my eyelashes.

"Just a thanks?" He moved his body closer to mine. He is now being flirty.

"Ehem... I hope you two didn't forget that I am still here na.. Ai Phu control yourself!" I just shyly ignore Doc teasing and back to consume the fruits.

"Chief, Doc... me and Longtae plan to build a playground or something like a park at the empty land near the community hall. Can you help by giving us some idea on exercise tools or maybe equipment that we can add in the park? We going to do it mostly by ourselves or maybe buy a few items." I explain my plan so far to both of them.

Getting their support will make our job much more easier.


We spent quite some time discussing the village park plan. I am excited to get it started. Doc is now preparing to leave.

"Aw Chief, are you coming?" Doc waiting for Chief respond, but he is now looking at me.

"Tell me Tian, should I go or should I stay?" My heart tell to me to ask him to stay, but my mind tell me to take a break and to get myself together.

"If its OK... maybe you should go back to your base today." Chief seems sad with my request.

"But..." I grab a hold of his arm, hoping to sooth his disappointment.

"If you were free tomorrow, I would love for you to take me to Pha Phan Dao cliff. I haven't been there since I got back." I look into his eyes with full of hope and await for his respond.

"I would love to take you there as well Tian." I am so relief.

And I quickly turn to look what Doc were doing at this moment. He seems to be on his own mind in the jeep. I quickly pressed my lips at the corner of Chief lips.

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