Chapter 34

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Doctor Nam

It's been so long since I hangout with Phupha and my Nong Tian. So, when Tian invited me to join for lunch right after Phupha coming back from their vaccination program, I was so excited.

I arrive early, as there's no patient at the clinic, so I was hoping to have a chat with Tian.

The base were quiet as I arrive, I continue to walk inside, I see Tian was just standing at Phupha bedroom door.

I greet him as I walk towards him.

"Tian... why are you just standing there? Where's Phupha" I ask him. But he seem to remain still... with no answers. I arrive at his back and seeing that he was blankly looking at something. I turn to look at his line of vision.

I was shocked Phupha and Waan were kissing with each other, and Phupha conditions which is almost half naked is making this worst.

"Ai Phu!" I turn to look back at Tian, he were looking so pale.

"Tian... be calm. It might be a miss understanding" He finally turn his body to me.

"I feels tired Doc..." he says as he push his way out... and walk away leaving the bedroom door.

I need to get the fact straight before I check on Tian. I don't like the look on his face. It's not just broken hearted, his body seems to white out for normal healthy person.

I walk inside to talk with Phupha and Waan.

"Tian..." Phupha continue to shout calling for Tian and also trying to chase Tian.

I hold him back. He is too indecent to be chasing Tian. He will just be upsetting Tian more by looking like this.

"Phupha... what's going on?" I turn to look at Waan. She look dumbfounded, but Phupha is almost hysteric.

"Tian saw me and Chief kissing." Waan answer. Even I saw a bit of it, but hearing Waan say it on her own still making me shock.

"Ai Phu?!" I turn my rage to the man on behalf of Tian.

"I don't understand, what is wrong?" Waan ask.

"What is wrong?"

"Waan...?! You were kissing his boyfriend. That is wrong Nong." I explain to Waan. But I am shock seeing her face as if this is news to her.

"Ai Phu, don't tell me Waan didn't know?" I ask Phupha who was currently ravaging his bag for clothes I assume.

He just look at me with his grumpy face, which than back to look worried. But he still manage to shook his head as in to answer my question.

Oh my... this friend of mine....

I massage my temple with the sudden headache.


"Doc... Doc...Help...." I heard Rang shouting from the front. I ran towards him.

"Doc... help, Nong Tian... I saw him laying down on the ground when I arrive." Rang exclaim and I see Tian were all pale unconsciously laying on the ground under this heat.

The weather is hot, but his body is too cold.

"Waan!!! Bring me the medical bag." I shout to Waan, who was just out of the room, looking around checking what is the fuss were all about.

"Tian!!" Phupha scream as he was approaching to us with a fully clothes.

I don't like it when I check on Tian pulse, it was too weak. I touched his skin, it was cold but his forehead was scorching heat.

Waan arrive with the medical bag, I take out the stethoscope, his heart beat was weak.

"We need to get him to the hospital." I announce and instruct to all.

Phupha was not himself.

"Ai Phu, get a grip. We need to get him to the hospital my friend. Put it all aside. Focus on helping him." I say to Phupha, soon enough he got back to his senses.

"Lets take him to the clinic and used the ambulance to transfer Tian to the hospital."

And without any delay we move Tian. He was still unconscious when we were on the way to the hospital. His pulse remain weak.

Upon arriving at the hospital I update a brief of Tian condition and history to their medical team.


"It is my fault Doc... I did this..." Phupha were hysteric as Tian now were in the treatment room. I just look at my miserable friend. As for now, even I don't know how to console him and what to advise.

"I don't know what's going on between you and Waan. But Phupha, how can you let this happen? I thought you and Tian were happy?" I ask him.

"I am happy with Tian, Doc. Waan was history."

"History? What do you mean?" I remain clueless.

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