Chapter 33

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I was happy as I walk toward the base.

I miss Phupha so much.

I was torturing myself by overthinking about him and Waan.

This morning, I've decided to welcome him home with warmth. It's feel like forever since I had him all to myself. Things happen one after another, and it was really starting taking a tolls on me.

As long as Phupha loves me, I am going to be the best version of me for him. I love him too much to keep dwelling on the past.

Yes, he was wrong, as he chose to ignore the confrontation instead of properly deal with. I just hope Phupha will sort it well with Waan and may she accept with it nicely. I love having Waan as a friend.

I made us a sour soup, fried vegetable, fried sausage ( his favorite of course ) and omelette for today lunch.

I was also looking forward to catch up with Doc, it feels so long since we all had a meal together.


I felt cold and shivering, even when the sun was scorching heat over my head.

I met with Yod as I walk toward the base, I guess he was living to return to his home. He look so tired after the traveling with the missionary team for the past four days including today.

My Phupha must be tired as well, maybe if he was nice... I can give him a massage.

My arms feels sore around my wounded area, and I feels a bit tired. I promised to myself to take a good care of my body after I kiss and make up with Phupha. No more silly conditions as it was a torture for me as well.

I know I've been neglecting myself during the time Phupha was away.

But the heart want what it wants.

I can't stop thinking, and its really were making me miserable. I guess I was too prolonged in those sombre due to the fact that Phupha was away. I was also away from the kids as the school were on holiday and I don't have Tul to distract me.

Being alone can really derail your emotion to the worst, even with the slight opening of doubt.

The base was quiet, I guess all member were already dispersed. I put the food container at the lounge table and walk towards Phupha bedroom.

Few steps away and I can hear Waan's voices in Phupha bedroom.

The door was open, the only restriction of my view is the half cloths curtain covering the frame. As I walk near to the room, I can hear Waan sobbing.

I build up my courage to meet them, I feels intruding, but my curiosity can't stop my feet from keep moving.

I take the next step and pushed the curtain away, out of my view.


I don't like what I see.

Phupha is currently holding Waan hands and they were kissing.

Their lips were pressing with each other.

Was it a one sided kiss from Waan?

But Phupha... my Phupha... he was just standing there with partially clothes.

And I just stoically keep on watching them.

I don't know how long I was in that position.

Maybe I was waiting...

Waiting for Phupha to push Waan away, and this is all were just a mere misunderstanding.

But... I've count One... Two... Three... and he still didn't step away.

My view was still stuck on their lips pressing each other.

The coldness I felt before suddenly feels much, much and much more worst. I shivered and feeling some chills to my bone.

All the energy that I had just now feels drain out of sudden.

I heard Doc Nam voice at my back. But I couldn't really gasp what he was saying.

My eyes was still witnessing on this bitter sight. I don't know if I'll be able to wash away... this image out of my mind.

And finally... finally... Phupha moved away from Waan kisses. But it didn't stop me from wondering... will they continue if no one were disturbing?

Phupha seems shocked that I was there.

But I don't even have any energy left for a question or argument.

I just want to go home.

I didn't hear what Doc were saying, as he was also witnessing the same view as I was Just maybe not as much as I was.

I just numbly moved away from the door frame and mumbling to Doc. Even, I wasn't sure what I was saying to the man.

I walk away without any feelings, energy and emotions.

I just feel drain. Numb.

My heart was screaming with pain, but my body was too tired to respond even with a tears.




I continue to take light steps ahead, but I wasn't sure where should I headed?

Do I want to go home? Home feels empty as I imagine myself in it.

Maybe I can rest at the waterfall? Yes, suddenly I miss the sound of the water streaming.

But I feel colds...

Or I can go and visit the kids, it feels so long since I met them.

I miss Tul. When was the last time I return to Bangkok?

I keep walking as I try to make my decisions for my destination.

And I think I trip over a stone, because suddenly I was laying on the ground.

The sun was right above my head. The sky was so bright...

One moment it was shine bright.

The next it was pitch dark.


Oh no, my Tian is broken... 

I can't bear to let you guys wait till Friday... lets us all send the loves for our Tian.

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