Chapter 19

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I know I need to make this right. And sooner or later I got to deal with Tian parents and well in my case my superior as well.

"Phupha.." Tian's father now were right in front of me. I move to form an army respect to him, but he stop me by holding on my hand.

"Tian says he doesn't want to meet you." And my heart drop to the lowest pit.

"Sir, I might have hurt his feelings but trust me it wasn't my intention. I was just... " Suddenly I'm lost with my words.

"It's OK Phupha. I understand." He now lead me to join him for a walk at their house garden and continue to talk.

"You and I... I can feel that we are kind of similar. We were great at our job. But when its comes to our loves one, we can be a bit clueless. I am thankful that Tian moms is such a patience woman."

Loves one, he knew... me and Tian.


"What? You think I don't know you both have a feelings for each other. I can see the way you go all beyond for my son. And how my son goes fancy when ever he talks about you... way back of course. Today he calls you a 'stupid moron' "

Moron? OK I deserved that...or even worst.

"And I am sorry for making you to ask him to come back home two years ago. I know I had hurt your feelings as well." Tian father continue to explain and I am at ease that I know he is going be OK with me and Tian together.

"I understand Sir, he is still young. It is what needed to be done." I assure Tian father that all that happen is for the greater good. But now I need to focus on the present and future.

"Sir... I know Tian is upset with me now. But I need to ask your permission." Tian father raise his eyebrows and awaiting for me to continue.

"I want to be with Tian. The past two years has been so dull and empty but as soon as I see him, I know I can't let him go again. I will do what ever it takes to make him forgive me and hopes... he still want to be together with me as well. And before that, I was hoping I can get your blessing."

I was nervously waiting for Tian father respond.

"You have it Phupha, I know my son well enough. He is not the kind of man who easily falls or accept anybody. Even for a friend he can be difficult and choosy. But with you he seems to be easily open and he cares more since than. Which making him show his love towards us and his family better... and we love seeing him like that."

I feel relieved with the acceptance and now, what's left is to grovel to Tian and hope he still want me in his life and I'll be forgiven.

And... it wont happen if he ain't going to see me. I turn to look at their house among all the windows with hoping to see a glance of Tian.

Tian father put his arm in my shoulder and speak.

"Now son, here's a tip. Tian is like his mother when ever they were sulking or angry. They tend to be easily get angry but it also take less time to pacify them. We just need to do it right." I am so grateful that Tian's father is supporting me right now.

Because I am so bad with grovelling and so far I've been doing it all wrong and making it worst.

"We need to tackle their vulnerable spot, which is in our case is us, because they loves us." And suddenly Tian father were looking at the sky analyzing something, and I am clueless.

"So lets hope it will be raining soon. And... when he see you patiently await in the rain, wet... cold and shivering, he will start to worry... and trust me he will come and get you. Might be a bit dramatic, but that is the quickest way." And out of sudden the weather seems to be on my side.

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