Chapter 21

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I came down and when straight to the kitchen.

The maid wanted to help but I just sent them back to their quarters to rest, as I can handle taking care for both of us.

Phupha is now at my home and I am looking forward to treat him well.

It is still raining outside, seems like its going to be raining till morning.

So, tonight I'm feeling of making him a hot soup for dinner, it's quick and great with the weather.



All was ready, I am just cutting some fruits for our snacks afterwards.

"There you are..." I heard Phupha coming into the kitchen and he came hugging from my behind. His chin were resting on my shoulder.

"I almost lost myself finding you in this house."

His casual statement making me alert with one of among other issues that I am concern with, and I need to check and discuss this with him.

I turn to him and lean my body on the cabinet and circle my arm around his waist. He lean his body more towards me and readjusting our body so that our standing and hugging with each other will be more comfortable.

"Is this going to be a problem?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" Phupha seems to be not understanding where my question were coming from.

"My family status and money? I need to know that you are OK with it. I need to know that you will accept how money is not an issue for me. And you will always talk to me if any of it were making you uncomfortable or if you ever feels overwhelm..." I look into his face for any sign of stress or discomfort.

But, so far none... just some thinking facial.

"I might be overwhelmed with the differences from time to time. But it wont be an issues... just I hope you can help me to make ease into it as I am trying to understand your world Tian... I might be looking stupefy occasionally with all new findings and exposure."

I feel relief.

"Well no worries, even stupefied Chief Phupha will still look dashing to me." And I kiss his cheeks.

"I just needed to know and make sure that money is not gonna be an issues between us and I would love to spend it on my loves one and I'll appreciate it if my lovers will just be happy."

"Tian, I feel blessed that you love me, but you need to know that money is not the reason that I love you..." I can see he is very concern of it. I hug him closer and tighter.

"I know Phupha... I know." And I can feel his body relax with my assurances.

"OK, come lets eat."

After dinner, we when straight to the entertainment room to watch a movie. This room is like our house mini cinema. We got big screen that occupy the from room, three seater couch and few single couch.

Me and Phupha chose to lounge at the three seater couch, so that we can lay down and cuddles.

"So, what is your favorite movie genre Chief?" I ask him while choosing the movie.

"I don't have one Tian, you can choose." Humm... I am thinking hard.

"How about horror movies?" I turn to look at him for his reaction, and his face seem indifferent... So horror movie it is.

I am afraid, but I like to watch a horror movie because I like to know the story plot. I just hate the jump scare, sounds and the ugly ghost.... I repeat the ghost is always ugly...

So I always watch it with Tul or my family.

"Sure Tian, whatever it is, its going to be fine with me. I have a very limited cinema experiences."

So I chose Munafik 2 a Malaysia horror movie, as the vibe from the movie poster/teaser looks uglier and darker than ever.

I straight away grab Phupha hands for protection, once the movie begins.

"You already scared?" Phupha were checking on me.

"No!" Me, trying to be tough and play it cools.

I am though, just like I said... the ghost is really ugly.

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