Chapter 8

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There... I've pour it all out.

I no longer want Tian to question my feelings.

I want him to be sure that it's always been him in my heart, despite what I make him do. I felt content, that finally I got to have him in my arms.

God.. how I wish I can just keep him to myself like this forever.

I feel at ease now I have him chest to chest, warm and cozy in my arms. Again, I grab hold of my hands around his waist with no intention of letting him go.

"Chief..." after a while Tian were calling me out.

I am still at ease with him in my arms with the clear sound of waterfalls.

"Chief..." again he called me out and now he try to pull himself out of my arms and I don't feel like it.

"No Tian, I miss you... let be this way for a little longer... please..." I kinda whining and continue to pull him back into my arms and squished him harder.

I love the feels of his body in my arm. I don't know its going to make me feel this way when I have him in my arm.

Lie... if I never experimenting with relationship all my life, I'm not a monk like what Doc, Yod and Rang might believed. I've had few flings here and there  before, even not much but never this way.

It's never been the same since I held Tian on our first meeting when he collapsed, he woke a desire and longing that I've never felt with anyone.

"Chief, let me go..." Tian's now push me harder and I look into his eyes, wondering... what was he thinking after my confession.

"Tian..." I beg.

"Please Chief, you can't expect me to just accept everything easily after all that happened. I am a human with feelings not a robot who can just switch it off and on whenever you feels like it." Tian say it with a bit frustrations on his face.

I understand, but I also don't want anymore distance between him and me. I plead Tian with my eyes hoping he can see my sincerity.

"Please Tian, forgive me. I've been living like a zombie since you left. Now that you're right in front of me I can't hold it anymore. I want you all the way I can get Tian. Please... just don't pushed me away." I am begging.

I am ready to be on my knees if I have to.

After a while Tian spoke.

"Find Chief, you're forgiven. But please... give me time... I still feel the sting of pain when you asked me to walk away and forget." Tian continue to explain his reasoning.

"You makes me hate you Chief. That's how bad it hurt. You might thought it was nothing. But you are the first person who makes my heart beating and alive and yet the same who make me hurts."

I can see the pain look in his eyes and I don't like it at all.

"I understand Tian, take all the time you need. But I need you to know one thing, as far as I'm concern you are mine." I take a step closer back into his personal space and held his face on my hands and stare directly into his eyes as I am again reminding him.

"You. Are. Mine." I emphasize each and every word strongly.

"I am no longer going to get you out of my sight, you going to let me take care of you and love you all the way that I want. I will respect your decisions. But... let me making this clear, all that I know is that you are mine! Its been like that since I held you in my arms on the first day that you arrived to Pha Pan Dao. I might be stupid and letting you go, but now you're back here... right in front of me and I'm going to make sure it stays like that"

Tian looks lost and daze with my speech. But I don't care, I need him to understand clearly that I am absolutely sure about him.

"You understand me Tian? My One. And. Only. Tian." Tian continue to lost his words and I like it. 

Tian were biting his lower lip... and I pull my thumb to soothes his lips that's now turning more red after his bites and I slowly moving my thumb around his lips. I can hear Tian heavy breathing, I guess my touches do effect him.

While still gazing on his lips with my eyes and thumb

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While still gazing on his lips with my eyes and thumb...

"And, one day..which I hope will be sooner than later..when you allows it... this lips will be more swollen after our kisses." I return my gaze to his eyes and my heart beat faster.

I am trying very hard to control myself right now and not claiming his lips with my kiss till we bleed. But, I'm not gonna do that to my Tian, he needs time and I am good with time.

"And... whenever you're ready, just call me Phupa  and I know that I am also yours... my Tian."

I slowly letting him go, out of my embrace and he seem to slowly getting back his posture. I love seeing the blushed on his face, good to know that I do have some effect on him.

"Right... uhum..." He seem still a bit lost and pushing through his hand to his hair with blushed on his face. He looks more lovelier than ever.

"Whatever... you should go back to work. And I'll... I'll be back to my house" Tian slowly get a hold of himself and I just give him a smile.

"OK Tian... whatever you want... I'm forever at your command.." I continue to tease him.

He than make a move towards his home and I'm just diligently following him.

After a while we are now arrive at the front of his house.

"Tian..." I grab a hold of his hands.

"I mean it Tian... take all the time you need to accept me. I will always be right here for you." I slowly take his hand close to my lips giving him time to take it away.. but he didn't... which led me to kiss them.

I am savoring the softness of his hand and sweet smell that I had been longing. I looking up to see his reaction and he didn't seem to hate it.

 I looking up to see his reaction and he didn't seem to hate it

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"Have a good rest Tian... I'll see you again soon. I love you Tian" I am gonna keep saying that till he accept it.

I won't get tired of letting him know how I feels. I deserve all his treatment and comebacks, after all that I have done with my foolishness and I ain't complaining.

"Goodnight Chief..." He smiles and walk inside into the house.

I'll take it as a good progress as seeing him now smiling back at me.

I just hold him and now miss him already.

Aw Phupha... you've had it so bad!!!

I walk back to my base with a glee of hope in my heart.

At least there's something moving forward for me and Tian. There's time that I am already settle down with my loneliness after I foolishly pushed Tian away.

Because I know, there will never be other person that will makes me feels better either its the matter of heart or mind wise.

I'll cherished whatever I can get from Tian and be grateful cause I know I've been at worst places without him.


Do note that I didn't own any of the picture or artworks in this fiction; credits to Earth & Mix social media, Google Images, GMMTV and relevant.

I love how gentlemen Phupha was, despite being flirty yet respecting.

Vote and comment for my motivation please. Your voting will push me forward in writing this fiction of mine.

Thank you

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