Chapter 38

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"This doesn't change a thing..." he said. Before we were both lost in in our passionate lust.

And I just agree with what ever he say.

I look at my Tian, he must be so tired. He looks so serene in his sleep. It feels so long since I have him like this, all by myself. I can't take my eyes away from his eyes, nose and of course his lips.

I've had him quite a number of time last night after our first round. My eyes gazing towards what's now a purplish bruised all over his skin at few places such as neck, shoulder and elsewhere that I caused and I smiled. I always loved seeing my mark on him.

Yes, he is mine.

I rest my head on my hand to raise myself so I can have a better look at this sexy teacher of mine.

His lips were bruised and sexily swollen, but looks so damn hot and makes me want to suck at them again and again.

My Tian is still butt naked, I trail my finger along his arm and his skin feel so soft and fair likes it always been, makes me want to bite them. We both were pretty naked, only our middle part were cover with my mere blanket.

I pull and raised Tian left leg, so that it rested over my hips. Which also make him turn to his side facing me, so that I can rub his thigh and palming his butt, his waist and continue to stroking his smooth back. 

I never love my three foot bed more than as I am right now, cause all this little space makes me paste to Tian by necessity and also makes him squirm closer to me.

This past two weeks was so dreadful. I admit, I am no fun to be around. The only thing that keeping me sane are works and my occasional peeking for Tian at home (make me feel like a stalker sometimes...)

I didn't dare to meet him personally cause I know its gonna make me feel worst, cause I can't had him as I wish. So I am content with a glimpse of him.

I was so deep in my own emotions as I stare at him and touching him. I was busy playing with his ear when he awakes.

"What time is it?" his blinking his eyes while pouting his lips and stretch his body.
"It's 7AM..." He seems kinda shock and quickly raise himself to wake up...
"What? Why didn't you wake me up?" He said as he stand.

Why would I do that? But I just keep those thought on my mind.
I stretch, feeling a contentment that's entirely unfamiliar after weeks of sorrow.

Tian is still an active minefield, every step is in need with full cautious. I just stare at him as he was collecting his clothes, which were scattered around the room and put them on.

After a while, I also wake up and out of my bed, taking my sweat pants and put them on, but I don't bother for any tops. Tian is now at the bathroom and after a while he return but just to say goodbye.

I grab his hand before he left the room.

"Tian..." I look at him while holding his hands.
"When can I meet you again? Can't I go home yet?" I foolishly ask, I need to try... at least.

Cause I really need his guide on moving forward. You can say that I am too afraid to do anything, cause I am afraid that I might be making the wrong move and all my chances will be gone.

He look straight into my eyes, a bit worrisome I must say. Cause his gaze is so hot and kinda devious, I can see Tian wit glimmering.

 Cause his gaze is so hot and kinda devious, I can see Tian wit glimmering

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