Chapter 23

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I don't know what time did we slept last night, but I woke up feeling content.

How I wish I can spend the rest of our life sleeping and waking up every morning beside each other like this.

Tian's head was on my shoulder and his arm were over my chest. His left leg were curled over my thigh. We both were still naked from last night adventures, but I still manage to clean us both with clean towel before we sleep.

And no, I still did not fuck him yet, even he did beg for me all night. No matter how much I wanted to... I still need to ease Tian body and we didn't have any lube in his room.

Hence, that is a priority before we return to Pha Phan Dao.

Buying lube!

Both of us were covered in blanket.

I tighten my hold on Tian shoulder and take a swift of his scent, my hands were trailing his skin on the back, slowly going up and down and after a while it arrive to my favorite place... Tian's butt cheeks. Tian squirms when I knead his butt but still didn't wake up.

I guess I wore him down last night... and I miss him already. I slowly push Tian to lay down on his back so that I have a better access over the top, to his lips, neck and chest. I was nibbling on his neck when Tian's arm circled my my neck.

"Good morning baby..." I look up to his face and he smiles.

"Good morning... what are you doing?" He stroking my hair and rise up one of his leg so I can settle down better in between his legs over his body.

"I missed you, so while waiting for you to wake up I thought I could go exploring."

"Your exploration tires me down Chief." He mumbles.

"Are you complaining already?" I continue to tease his ear with my tongue.




We missed breakfast and straight to the lunch as its already almost noon when we finally out of the bedroom.

"When are you going back to Pha Phan Dao?" I ask after we finish with our lunch.

"How about you?" He asked me back, and I just rolled my eyes.

"I plan to go back tomorrow, but if you want to leave today I can join you. Since both of my parents will be at Hatyai for few days." He just nods.

"Than, lets go back this evening. I left the base without any preparation, so it's better if we can go back early. Lets return here with proper plan and we can spend better time with your family OK?"

He is such a gentleman, he even considers my family. I am blessed.

"Phupha?" I call him and he look at me.

"Will you move in with me. I don't feel like having to spend more time away from each other, beside for works of course." I look at his face for any sign of resignation or even shock, but so far nothing.

"We can move into your room at the base or the teacher house. Which ever you prefer." I continue and circle my arm around his waist while waiting for his respond.

"I would love to Tian. This morning, waking up with you by my side... I've already decided that I want to do that for the rest of my life. So yes baby... let's move in together. I think its better for us to move into your house as it is now with better facilities."

I jump with glee and already looking forward for us living together. I kissed all over his face to show my appreciation and of cause he just let me.

We manage to book our flight at 4PM, it is better, so that when we arrive at Pha Phan Dao, it will be still during a daylight.

Both of us leave the house right after we finalized our flight and leave for the mall. I need to buy some supply for the school and Phupha insist for us to go our separate way to save time as he need to buy some necessities as well, and I just let him be.

I wait for him at the coffee shop inside the mall, and after a while he came with few bags in hands.

"Wow Chief, shops a lot huh?" I ask him as he was taking his seat.

"It's been a while since I came to the mall... and as I'm moving in with you I thought I need to grab some stuff."

"Oh really... what is it? Let me take a look..." I try to grab the bag but he secure it away.

"No Tian... you will see it later." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine... Do you want to have a coffee? We still have time."

"Yes, I'm going to get some drinks and snacks... you want anything else?"

"Nope..." And he walk to the counter for ordering.

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