Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning feeling sore all over my body.

Phupha face were looking with grimaced when ever he sees me cringed in pain. We were at the living room getting ready to leave for works. He decided that he needs to drop me off this morning at the school after long debating to just rest at home and that's an order.

"Are you OK? Do you want to see Doc... Tian?" I rolled my eyes.

"I am fine Phu, I am not a baby, just need time to rejuvenate and I'll be fine." His face still won't change and it getting worst.

I swear a tiger will run the other way around seeing his face right now.

I walk closer to him, chest to chest and put my hands on his neck.

"Stop worrying Phupha, I am fine, I've taken the painkiller just now right.... I promise if its get any worst I'll tell you and see Doc myself." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Now, let me see your smile please, your grumpy face is so... not cute right now Chief Phupha..." I try to tease him and slowly he seems relax.

He grab my waist and hold me tight.

"I. Am. Never. Cute. Tian..." and he kisses my lips.

"...You. Are. Cute. and Sweet." he says in between kisses. And just like that I am melt into his arm.

"You will tell me if you visiting Doc right?" He ask me as he releases me.

"Don't worry about me Chief, I can take care of myself." I assure him.

"I have rights to worry about you right Tian?" I turn to look back at him, his question baffled me.

I put my palm on his cheek and look straight into his eyes.

"You did Phupha. You have all the rights." I lean my forehead onto his.

"OK... fine you win, I'll roger you from the clinic IF  I go to the clinic naa..." I don't know whether to be happy or annoyed with his latest over concern on me.

He drop me off at the school and manage to greet the kids.
He say his sorry because he had been ditching their Wau session and promise of having it this evening. The kids were bewildered and looking forward for it.

They are such a pure soul, even when Chief repeatedly making them upset in the past, a simple apologies and new promises is making them happy again.



Phupha made it this time, we are now at the field playing with the wau and the kids were all enjoying it.

I was standing on the side watching Phupha and Rang helping Meejoo raise her wau. The winds were perfect for wau, they all raised high in the clear sky.

I've been feeling bit off since we left the school. But I don't want to ruin the kids excitement, so I've been holding myself, but... despite the cool breeze I've been sweating myself out.

As I raised my head, I see Phupha were looking at me and I give him an assurance smiles, but he didn't seems to convince and his face change as he walk towards me.

"Are you OK Tian?" He ask right after he reached me.
He were checking my body temperature with the back of his hand.

"I am fine... just a bit tired. Please don't make a fuss of it, I don't want the kids to worry and repeat like the last Wau session where I faint Phupha..." He seems not delighted with my words.

"But Tian..." I grab his arm and hold it tight.

"Please Phu... I promise, we go and see Doc after this. Just lets the kids have the good time. I'll be right here. Please..." I beg him.

He seems reluctant, but I guess my begging works as he nods his head.

"Fine, we going to play for another minutes and we go straight to Doc after this... gosh you were so stubborn Tian." He let out his frustration and I just smiles at him.

"You still love me right?" I play with my eyebrow as I tease him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't you try and being sweet Tian, I am worried." He brow is now close with each other.

"I know, and this is me showing you I am OK. Maybe just a bit tired. Now stop nagging and go help the kids." I push him away, and he just breath out his frustration.

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