Chapter 10

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"Chief Phupha

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"Chief Phupha..." I called upon his name with a breath of relief. I felt delighted after seeing him right in front of my eyes. Lies if I was not worried, his work involved risking his life, and I am well averse on how willing he was in doing that.

"Tian... can I stay here tonight?" He asked as seeing me continue remain stoic seeing him at my porch. OK, I wasn't expecting that, but seeing him right now makes me want to do and be anything that he needs.

"And why should I let you do that?" I crossed my arm on my bode and trying to play it cool, even I'm actually hundred and ten percent ready to jump on my Chief.

OK I blame Rang for giving me the idea of my chief. I'm playing it coy and hard to get, but I'm actually loving it.

"I miss you Tian..." Oh my, this man going be the death of me. How can he says it with that sad eyes look. Now I don't feel like torturing him anymore.

With a smile I step down to the stairs and take his hand and we walk together inside the house as my answer for his question.

"Do you want to take a shower first? I'll make us some dinner." He look so tired. I can see some few days old of scrubs on his chin.

"Ok Tian, thank you... I will go fresh up first." He replied me with some cheers of glee in his eyes. I guess he's also worry that I'm not going to let him stay.

If only he knows that I am willing to do anything for him.

I put my palm on his cheeks, stroking his grainy stumbles,  I guess he don't have time to take care of himself while he was out there. I continue to stroke his face softly with my fingers.

"Go and use my room... you look so tired. Are you OK Chief?" I turn my eyes from my gaze on his cheek to his eyes and it quickly give me a shiver.

"I'm OK now... that I'm with you..." He says that and turning his face on my palm to put a kiss on it.

I smile and move my hands before I can't control myself.

"Whatever... now go. I'm going cook for us. You can take a nap for a while, after you've fresh up." I turn and make a move... or you can say run to the kitchen.

At first I thought to just have a sandwich for dinner because it is a fuss to cook for my own self. Now that Chief is here, my cooking mood has arrive and we shall have a proper rice meal for dinner.

Looking at the ingredient that I have... lets settle with a Tom Yum, stir fried cabbage and fried omelet.

Lets not makes Chief have the burn omelet again now Tian! Finger cross.

 Lets not makes Chief have the burn omelet again now Tian! Finger cross

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Great, now all is ready.

Let's see what Chief is doing.

I walk into the room and see Chief is lying on my bed. He looks better now after a bit of resting and refresh.

Suddenly, as I'm looking into his face and all my longing for the past two years were coming back and making me realize... how much I've been missing and loving this man since than. Despite the fact that I kept saying that I hate him and how hurts it was.

But now, having him here... right in front of me and closed to me, makes me loving him even more than before.

Gosh... I am so sappy.

"Are you gonna continue to stare or are you gonna come and join me on bed Tian?" I was startled with his sudden voice.

"What? Who is staring? I'm here to tell you dinner is ready, now lets go" As I am turning, Chief grab a hold of my hand.

"Tian, I hope its OK that I lie on your bed. Sorry if I just assumed and not asking for your permission." Why with the sudden guilt?

"Don't bother, I am not a stingy person am I? I do tell you to take a nap. And good to see that you can listen to me." I see his relief face.

"Thank you Tian."

"Enough of it... come lets have a dinner together." And we move to the dining table that I have set up for both of us.

"Wow, Tian... All looks great. I've been missing your cooks." Chief take a seat with a glee, and I wonder if he really meant it?

"Yeah right Chief, I don't think that burnt omelet were memorable enough."

"It is not the dish that is important Tian, it is the effort and care that you willing to make for me that I cherished." I wonder who thought him to be romantic with his word nowadays. Does he have other relationship since I left?

"Yeah right.., OK fine. Lets eat." We eat peacefully, Chief really seems to enjoy the meal and I feel delighted.

"How was your day? Everything OK with the school?" Chief starting the conversation after we settled with our dinner and now we were sitting side by side at the outside seating area enjoying the night breeze.

"Yes, all was great. The kids was really passionate with the teaching... it makes me feel more delighted to share and give them all the knowledge that I have..." I continue to rant how my days had been to Chief and he seem to listen it all without any complained.


"Humm..." I turn to face him.

His body is getting closer and slowly his hand is now caressing my hair, cheek and moving down towards my neck. And I just let him be. After a while, he brings his thumb to my lips and I can see his eyes were looking at them with longing.

"Chief..." He seems to be lost in his mind, and his other hand now slowly going to my waist while still continue to caress my lips. All his move was slowly but surely, like he's pushing the boundaries yet giving me time and space to say no.

"Huh?" His only reply to my call.

"What are you doing?" His hand now strongly grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"I'm cherishing what is mine. I've lost all those time to my stupidity. Even, I myself still can't believe you were right here with me. I guess I am trying to be sure that this is all was real." I let him lingers for a while, and then-

I step on his foot.


"Ouch... Tian! That's hurt naa" He screamed to the pain that I just gave him.

"There, how real was that for you?" I laugh at his grimace face and sudden shock.

He is now pouting, and I can't believe that I can see his pouting face in my life.

"Ooh... I'm sorry" I'm rubbing his face trying to console this pouting green giant baby. And right away he grabbing my body and pull me onto his lap.

"Aw Chief, what are you doing? Let me go!" I try to pull myself away from him. I am not that light to be sitting on his lap like a baby.

"No, please. Lets sit like this for a moment. Please..." Now, hearing his begging is not going to end well for me, there's not much this heart can take.

He continue to put both of his hands on my waist and tighten it. I try to pull away, but of course he is too strong for me.

I gave up. Or I must say, I give up pretending to pull myself away from him.

I put my hands around his shoulder and after a while my hand now were playing with his hair. I don't know how long we were like that. But I enjoys the feeling of his short hair through out my fingers, and unknowingly both my hands is now hugging Chief and I am resting my head over his head.



"You going have a sore legs if we continued this any longer." I break myself from his hug and put both my palm on his face turning his face to look at me.

He look so much better now, compare to when he was just arrived this evening.

"Let's go to bed." His eyes bleed with unnecessary excitement and I quickly add on further statement on my words...

"Too sleep, we're going to bed to sleep Chief!" I finally break free and standing up away from Chief.

Being that closed in his arm for a much longer time.. I think I may collapsed.

"Yes, Tian. I promise... too sleep."

He continue having that glee on his face. I just ignore them and move to the bedroom.


Thanks for the voting, it is really motivate me to continue writing this fiction and any future one's.

Please leave a comment, I love seeing your shares of emotions as you guys were reading this.

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