Chapter 7

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Urgh... that Green Giant is going to be the death of me.

Missing me my foot!

Not even a single letter since I left, and now out of no where he says he missed me?! I walk inside my house with a sudden rage. I am fully awake from my tired body, listening to Chief declaration a moment ago.

I no longer hope or expect anything from Chief since he was so persistent in letting me go.

Two years I've been trying to move on and try to forget him. I thought I had succeed, but seeing him all again and this heart were back to beat like no others.

What does he meant he's going to get me?

Urgh... Now, I am back feeling tired to think of that annoying Green Giant. I walk to my room, and hoping a cold shower can cool me down.


The next day I made a visit to the school.

We are not starting the school yet, because I am still waiting for the school supplies to arrive tomorrow. So I am just checking the school for some ideas and reorganization.

I was rearranging the tables and chairs, when Rang walking into the classroom.

"Nong Tian, why you didn't tell me you are coming here. I can help you." He walk in helped me moving the table I was still holding.

"Aw Rang, it's OK I can manage. I just want to look around but end up rearranging the whole area..." I laugh it out with my impromptu work of the day.

"I see, I understand. The school supplies will be arriving tomorrow right?"

"Yes Rang, so I guessed I am making some space for them." Me and Rang end up working together at the school.

"Tian.... Rang... what are you doing?" Yod arrived when were relaxing at the bench after moving the furnitures around.

"Aw Phi, we just finished doing some arrangement with the furniture."

"I see, come... if you finish lets go to Khama house, he invites you for a lunch" I am delighted, because one, I am hungry and two, I've been missing Khama's wife cooks since forever.

"Uuh lets go Phi, I am starving!" I am glee and I walk together happily with Yod and Rang.

We walk peacefully to Khama house, Yod and Rang were updating me with what's have been going on since I left. Apparently Chief had been such a meaner Green Giant since I left and they can't seem to stop to whine about it.

He is much more strict, cranky and fussy. All of his subordinates fear him more than before, accept Yod and Rang of course, as they had been working under Chief since forever.

We talked until I didn't realize that we had arrived to Khama's house. And there he was, the Green Giant standing there waiting, hugging his arm to his body with a smirk on his face.

"You know what Tian, since you left I can count how many time he smiled. But, since he finally know you were the new teacher last night. I can't count anymore" Yod were telling me, as we approached to were Chief were standing. I stop walking after learning this new facts.

"Huh, what do you mean he only know that I am the new teacher last night? Shouldn't he know it already when the foundation sent my details?" I questioned Yod and Rang.

"No, Nong Tian. After you left, Chief leave all matters in regards of school to me. And only met the new teacher during event like last night. And me, Yod and Doc decided to keep your arrival a secret... Ha ha you should've see Chief face when he looked at you last night." Yod and Rang were laugh out loud remembering.

And no wonder he was just meeting me at the event, because he didn't know I was coming.

Even now, my heart were still cheating my mind, and continue to beat fast like there's no tomorrow when I look at him. He is still that charming man that I used to long for.

We are practically staring at each other right now. I don't know what to think of my feelings. I've hated him they way he dismissed me last two years, how he kept ignoring all my letters and avoiding me.

But I can't lie, my hearts continue to wish for him, only this man can make me losing my mind but still feel at peace.

I wash away all my thoughts and greet Khama.

"Um Khama I really miss the food na. This is so delicious. No place can beat it..." I exclaim while enjoying the food. I can feel the heat from the person next to me, who've been looking at me since I've arrived until now.

I turn and give the person next to me a glare, hoping he will stop staring.

But of course, he won't barged and just kept giving me his smiley face and continue to stare.

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