Chapter 20

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True enough, right after Tian parents left for Hatyai the rain falls and it falls hard.
And here I am all wet from the rain and still waiting.

After a while, suddenly I was protected from the rain falls, because there he was... Tian holding an umbrella sheltering both of us.


"No. Don't speak, lets come inside and get you dry and warm. I don't want you to be sick." And he just grab my hand and pull me into the house.

He gave me a towel to stop the dripping and lead me to a room. I hope it was his room. I'll be damn if he just put me in a guest room or what ever room he had.

I believed I am in his room, there were his pictures on the wall and shelf on display.

"I'll get you a change of clothes, go and take a warm shower." And just like he disappear as he making his move leaving me alone in his bathroom. I'll just listening to his order. It is good enough that he still care for me.

I take a quick shower and wrap myself with the towel. I am out of the bathroom and seeing Tian on the bed focusing on his phone. He glance at me and than quickly looks elsewhere, I guess I am not too decent and its making him uncomfortable.

I don't dare to tease him yet. But I like how blushed he was right now.

"I had left a sweatpants and T-shirt for you, the maid will wash and dry your clothes." He says and quickly return focusing back on his phone.

"Thank you, Tian."

I quickly take the clothes and wear it and get closer to Tian. I am sitting at the end of his bed. I still need to approach this with care.

"Tian..." he look up at me and after a while he stands up to grab something from one of his cabinet.

He take out a small tower and walked toward me. But instead of hand it to me, he straight to help me drying my hair with the towel. He is now standing in between my legs, I can smell Tian with his closeness and gosh I miss him so much.

And now I feel overwhelm with feelings.

After what I've done, here he is, still cares for me. I can't hold it anymore, I grab Tian waist and bury my face and tears on his stomach.

"Tian... I'm so sorry."

I don't know if he heard me or not but he stop drying my hair and slowly held my face up with both his hands to look at him. We just look into each other eyes for a while. I love it when his thumb keep caressing my cheeks tenderly.

"What are you sorry for Phupha?" There he is calling me Phupha and I am so grateful.

"I am so sorry for not asking you and just handle it by myself and worst... avoiding you. I should have just ask you, rather than be feared of what I thought you might think." His palm were cupping my left cheek and I push myself further into his palm.

"And why don't you talk with me Phupha. We could have avoid all this miserable time if you just come to me." I take his hand and pull him to seat across my lap.

I need to hold him closed.

I circle his waist with both my arm and put my head on his chest. Tian other hand were holding my shoulder and one other were caressing my hair with slow motion.

I need to let it all out.
I need to let him know where this insecurities and doubt came from.
Why I thought it was best for me to sort my own mind by myself.

"Truth is, I've been all alone by myself with what feels like since forever Tian. I guess I'm not used to talk about all of my problems and insecurities."

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