Chapter 11

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I can't take my eyes away from Tian.

He just kept mesmerizing me, every time I'm with him. His eyes, nose and lips... I can just keep looking at them and I will never be bored. His skin is so fair and pure, make me want to turn them red from my kisses and touches.

I've been trying to finish up my work as soon as possible so that I can hurry back and get back to Tian. It a wonders how I've been living this past year without him. Because it's still feel surreal that now he is by my side.

Tian is all man... don't doubt on that.

But I just love it when he always seem to be mine to do as I wish, and how he unconsciously opening himself for me. 

Oh yes, he also can be feisty, like how he can just step on your foot and its pain like hell.

"Chief... aren't you coming?" Tian is checking on me as he is now arrive to his bedroom.

The house is so much better now after the renovations. As the village facilities improvise, more area in the village were being able to get electric supply and the teacher house is one of them.

Bed... I am finally get to sleep over with Tian since our last time. I miss having the space with only the both of us.

"Yes... coming..." and I'm following him to the room, not forgetting to close the door and windows along the way.

As I walk in... I pause  at the door entrance and lean to the door frame as I'm enjoying my view.

Tian were making some arrangement with the bed. I am practically eye balled Tian whole body, he didn't notice me yet, since I'm on his back.

He is wearing a light and almost silky material pants with a plain white T-shirt. The pants is embossed to his body right now due to the wind from the fan and I can see Tian sexy globe ass on my view and the little guy seems  to be awaken out of sudden. (Who am I kidding, he is being on alert when ever Tian is around...)

To add on to this torture, his T-shirt now is pulled up as he  was stretched on the bed to align the pillow and blanket, showing me a glint of his smooth waist. Now the little guy is almost in pain and a visible tent is forming up down there.

I'm taking a deep breath hoping to calm myself down, I don't want to make Tian uncomfortable.

I still recalls, his request for time and I'm gonna obey and respect that. Plus, I still haven't heard he call me Phupha.

Oh... how I long for him to call me Phupha.

"Tian, I can sleep on the floor na..." Please....please... let me sleep with you on the bed.

"Aw, the bed is big enough Chief for both of us. Why do you want to sleep on the floor?"

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable... I can't hardly hold myself when ever you are near. Aren't you afraid of what I might do if we were in the same bed?" I move closer to where he is and I winked at him and Tian rolled his eyes.

He is now crossing his arm and looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Now that you've mentioned it..." He take a step closer with a straight face and continue...
"You. Will. Stay. On your side and. You. Will. Behave. Or..."


I am diligently listening to him, but this kind of Tian who is serious and try to intimidate you was.




H O T!

H O T!

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