Chapter 40

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We dine at Tian choice of restaurant, he's been craving pizza and his wish is my command.

We stroll around the city afterwards, enjoying some coffee at the cafe. He seems relax and his face looks glowing, his healthy glow has return.

From his bright smile, I'd say he's brimming with happiness. and it washes over me. I feel at ease when there's no longer gloom on Tian facial.

I hate it when he's sad.

I grab his hand and intertwined our finger. We never really out and about in a public places, I don't mind it but I'm not sure about Tian. He turn and look at me, and than down to our hand. I still awaiting for his respond.

I felt relieved when he squeezed them back and smiles. Walking hands in hands feels much more better.

I look around and there's no people, I pull him toward and empty street and push him on the walls. He seems shock, but I just gaze at him from the hair that cover his forehead to his lips and slowly I move closer towards his left ear.

I kiss him, just behind his ear. "I love seeing you out and about like this. You looks so carefree and living. I miss this look on you Tian." I whisper into his hair. He beams at me and slowly melts against me and the wall and hold his hand on my waist.

"It feels great walking around with you by my side." Tian says.

I stroke my thumb over his lip.

"We should do this more often." I say to him and he nods with a sweet smile.
Eyes shining, moist lips, his hair soft blow by the wind. Tian is wearing a khaki sweat shirts with a brown pants, its getting chilly nowadays. I can see Tian cheeks getting color as his skin is fair.

I palm his cheeks to warm them up. "Are you OK? Maybe we should go back, the weather will be much colder later." He just push his cheek towards my palm and nods as he also tighten his grab on my waist.

"Sleep over tonight will you?" Tian ask. Damn I want to jump on him now - though I'm sure public indecency wasn't gonna be good if I did it.

"I don't think I can leave you alone tonight Tian." I kiss him on the lips and distance ourselves.

He pouts.

"Stop pouting Tian, I don't think I can hold myself if we continue. Lets go home baby." His smile widens into a salacious grin that speaks directly to the little guy.

"Let stop by at the supermarket first, I need to buy some groceries." He says while we walk out from the street towards the jeep.

"OK..." was my simple answer.

I need to calm down the little guy. I want him. I can't wait to reclaim him, make him moan, call my name and wipe the memory of all the wrongs that I did.

We stop by at the supermarket. It's small and packed with people. And here I am being domestic with Tian. I like the idea.

I follow Tian with shopping basket and enjoying his ass, all tight and taunt in her pants. I especially like it when he leans over the vegetables counter and picks up some onions. The fabric stretches across his behind and his shirt rises up, revealing his flawless skin and I can't help myself biting my lips.

Oh, what I'd like to do to that ass.

"When was the last time you in a supermarket Phupha?" He ask me while selecting his tomato. I have no idea.

I raise up both my shoulder and follow him through the store, enjoying how adept he is at choosing his ingredients: a squeeze of a lime here, the sniff of a pepper there. As we walk to the check out he asks about my job.

"We are preparing for an investigative mission soon, so I might be out and about this coming few weeks."

I ask him a question of my own. "How about school? Is everything in place?" His expression turns excited.

"Actually, the foundation just agree to send more supply for the school, and I am looking forwards for them." He looks so happy, I am glad.

I stand in line beside him at the cashier. There's a woman in front of us, trying to wrangle two small children, one whom is whining incessantly. She looks struggles but content at the same time.

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