Chapter 17

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Oh God...
What have I done?

I look at Tian who is now laying on my bed with a drip injection that Doc put in when Tian collapsed just now. He was looking so pale.

I almost lost my heart when I see he collapsed.

Doc diagnose it was just dehydration and fatigue. Yod and Rang said that Tian has not been eating while waiting for me since this morning.

God this stubborn man.

When I know that Tian was waiting, it was already in the evening when I was coming back from supervising other control station. But I've also decided not to return to this base as soon as possible because I still don't know what to do with Tian.

I saw Tian moving and open his eyes.
He was looking around try to grabs what's going on and where he is.
And his eyes was settled on me but all I see is sadness.

After a while he chose to ignore me and just blankly looking at the ceiling.

"Tian..." I want to check how was his condition. But he cut me off before I can proceed.

"What time is it?" I glanced at my watch and answer him.

"Its 5.00AM Tian. How are you doing? Do you want me to call Doc?"

"No." Was his only answer. And suddenly he wakes up and pulling out the needle off his hand.

"Tian... be careful." I try to stop him but he pulled away.

"Don't worry I've had enough of this when I was sick. I am practically professional in removing needles." He laugh it out but I can see, there's no joy in it.

"Tian, what are you doing? You need to rest." He try to get up and I try to stop him and he quickly avoiding my touch. And its pain me.

He turn to look at my face. His face was mad but not just that, he was upset and sad.

"I don't need a rest. I need answers." He look at me and continue to ask.

"Where have you been?"

"What happen to you?"

"Is it about Luke?"

"What did he says to you?"

One by one he was questioning me... and I know I need to give him some answers. He becoming more and more restless when I don't answer his question right away.

"I am right here, just.... I was on a back to back patrol and supervision duty." I know it sounds lame. Because Tian's know that I'll always have time or I will find the time for him or the village people.

"Stop giving me lame excuses, you don't even talk to me at all during the football games and than there... your rivalry with Luke and you just walk away. What was it that the two of you talked about? Luke wasn't telling me anything and I haven't seen you since than!"

"Of course he doesn't say anything..." I wasn't realized I was speaking out loud.

"What. Did. He. Said? Don't make me asking you again..." He is mad now.

I stand up from the bed side and pacing around. I am not ready to discuss all the insecurities, fears and doubt that Luke had triggered.

So I just blurred all the possible reasons... well it was still true, just not all of it.

"I am mad Tian..."

"He dares to tell me he can't wait to swept you away from me."

"And he dares to tell me by reminiscing all the 'beautiful' moment he had with you during your time in States..."

"What do you expect me to do? Laugh it out loud with him?"

I am still pacing. I do not dare to look at Tian. But I notice he is now standing up after I finished my rant.

And he just stand there looking at me not saying anything, and I continue to avoid making eyes contact with him.

After a while...

"But that's not the only reason...."

"I know you, if that was the reason you will be all over me marking your possession."

"You will show him that I am yours."

"But its not. You walk away...." and he suddenly goes silenced... and than...

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