Chapter 28

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I don't know why Phupha seems don't want Waan to know about our relationship. He seem so skittish. I wonder if there's another story behind it, but I chose not to dwell on it too much and to just trust Phupha.

I believe he going to tell me if there was anything.

Waan's seminar when great, and since than, most of the women seems to be more comfortable to seek her for health advise in regards of their health concerns.

Information is key for prevention and early diagnosed will provide any illness with a greater healing opportunity. I hope for them to be able to recognize any symptoms that they might know they had. So that, early diagnosed and treatment can be done. That's why, I request Waan to had this session.

The following week, we going to start with Pha Phan Dao park and recreational projects.

All plan were finalized, and constructing materials had arrived.

We, as I meant, all of the community member such as the villagers, government staff and also other volunteers, will put our hands together to build everything from scratch.

All work when great so far, the land was cement according to our layout plan. We also had various river stones that we gather from the waterfalls as a foot treatment trails. And at some part of the park, we planted some grass for a soft base, so that we can just lay on the ground for a picnic.

It's been few weeks of construction and the  park were starting to take its full landscape. Phupha and his men will join us when ever they were available, and it was good to have them for all the hardcore labor.

But today only Rang were able to join us, as other were occupied with other mission and task.

I was arranging the paint when I glance and see a board going to fall over Meejoo as she walk pass through the slides, which were still in progress of building up.

"Meejoo... watch out." I scream and just jump through, hoping to grab her out of the way as fast as I can. We were both rolling around until we stop by our own.

"Meejoo... are you OK. Are you hurt anywhere?" I check all over her and thank God I didn't find any bleeding and she seems fine... just look a bit shock.

"P'Seetian your arm." She pointed on my left hand, and I just realized the pain after I see the blood.

"Die... Die... Die... Chief are going to kill me because got you hurt Tian. I'm going to die." Rang said after he ran to us and where nagging as he was fussing over me.

"I am fine Rang, just some scratch... plus it was just an accident." I don't want to make a big deal out of it. Even the pain was excruciating as time goes by.

"Come, lets get you to the clinic." Rang raise me up and help me walk, the blood were dripping along the way and my shirt were soak with them.

Its look bad, but I hope not that bad...


"I'm going to need to give you some stitches Tian, your wound were quite deep. Do you feel sore or anything on your shoulder?" Waan ask, and I try to move them, they seems fine.

"I am going to be troubling Chief if this got any worst." I blankly said as Waan was doing her thing.

"It's OK Tian, he won't mind. You know how kind his soul is." Indeed he is, he might be the most selfless human being I've ever met, in helping others. I just nods subconsciously.

"And... he was also one of the reasons I grab the opportunity... when I see there's an opening here at Pha Phan Dao. I wish we can resume what we had..." I am dumbfounded and hope Waan will continue telling me her story.

I raised my eye brows signalling her to continue.

She was just finishing injected me with an anesthesia I presume. As she were starting with stitching my wound she continue...

"It was a secret... me and Chief Phupha... we were sort of together few month before I finished my internship." She continue.

"Together... as in lovers?" I innocently ask with a smile, and she just nods.

 as in lovers?" I innocently ask with a smile, and she just nods

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