Chapter 37

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The next day I've decided to visit him at the base.

I had to admit, I still have a bitter taste and a bit traumatized as I was walking in there, but sooner or later I need to move forward.

I felt restless since yesterday when Rang mention Phupha had a fever. I made him some porridge and I'm just going hand it to him and leave.

That's the plan.


I walk in and see Yod at the common area.

"Yod..." I call him.

"Aw...Nong Tian. What are you doing here?" He ask.

I don't know why I feel awkward, maybe the whole unit already know... but still, it doesn't make this any easier. I look around, the base seem empty.

"Is Chief Phupha here?" I ask Yod and he smile.

"Yes, he didn't go out today. He's been feeling sick since yesterday, and today we all united in forcing him to rest. He's been a workaholic machine this past week. It so worrisome." I feels guilty and a swarm of worries making me can't no longer wait to look for him.

I just nod to Yod. "I'll go check on him..." I tell Yod.

"OK... Oh and Nong Tian, I'll be leaving in a bit na... All of the staff already left... see you." It is already 6PM so I guess all already return home.
"OK Yod, thank you." I reply to Yod and start moving towards Phupha bedroom.

Phupha was in deep sleep as I walk in into his room.

I put the food container on the table, walk toward his bed and sit on bed beside him. I touch with the back of my hand on his forehead and neck. They are warmth but not that bad, his face looks dull and thin.

Even looking tired, he is still a good looking son of a bitch, but he is still mine. With just a grey sweatpants and long sleeve white T-shirt he look as handsome as ever.

Guilt runs through me as I take a good look on him, his lost his cheeks, his face is too thin. My concern at his appearance turns to anger.

I was ready to leave once I rearrange his blanket. But than he open his eyes and look straight into me.

"Tian..." I heard he calls my name with his tired voice and slowly try to grab my hand. Those hand feels cold and I try to swallowed them with my warmth.

Damn, our hands touching made me feel so electrified. Its been so long...

"Rang said you were sick. So I made you a porridge." I tell him as he still seems like in daze.

After a while he seems awake and wake up into a sitting posture.

"Do you want to eat?" I ask him, but he remain to just look at my face blankly.

"Being sick won't help you in getting back together that easily you know?" I snap, struggling to keep my composure.


Its proven.

He is my kryptonite, 10 seconds with him and I am soft.

He just keep staring at me like he is not sure whether I am real or just an illusion. And I hate seeing him like this.

I touch his cheek. "Phu... do you want to eat?" He turn his lips toward my palm and sniff a scent and kiss my skin, and he nods.

I try to stand up but he hold me back with a worried look.

"I'm just going to bring you the porridge." I assure him, and he let me go. But, I can feel his eyes were following every step I take.

I prepare the porridge into the bowl and move back to the bed.

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