Chapter 6

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Tian... my Tian.

I take a step closer because it feels somehow unreal to me.

Yet, I continue to have a good look of his beautiful face.

I really missed the sparkles on his eyes, I never thought I could see those bright eyes anytime in my life.

My hand was shaking, because they wished that they could touch his cheeks.

My body trembles as they were so excited to hug the warm body that is standing right in front of me.

I don't care of my surrounding...
All the villagers were gone and all I can see is my Tian is here, right in front of me.

But he soothing voice knocked me out of my daze, "Good evening Chief Phupha, I am Tian Supasitsakorn, the new teacher for Pha Pan Dao

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But he soothing voice knocked me out of my daze,
"Good evening Chief Phupha, I am Tian Supasitsakorn, the new teacher for Pha Pan Dao. Please take a good care of me." He wai.

He is w a i at me.

This once a naughty young man is wai at me.

I continue to look at his face, try to find some clue on what's going on in his mind and there... I can see a cold distance and I know that look on his face...

It is upset.

"Tian... please, let me explain-" I try to grab his hand but he quickly take a step further from me. Ready to walk away.

"I am going to go to meet and greet the kids parent." And he just like that, he resume to walk away from me.

"Tian, Tian!" I keep calling for him but he continue to ignore my calls, and now all of the people surround us were looking at me.

"Ai Phu! What have you done to make my sweet Nong looks so upset?" Doc were barging on my side with his insignificant growl.

"I haven't said anything Doc, he just greet me like I'm a nobody and walk away." I grab my hair out of frustration.

I've been missing Tian since forever, and now here he is, in Pha Pan Dao, yet I don't know what I should do to make us right.

"Doc, help me. What should I do?" My voice is now breaking, because I felt so lost.

"Oh my dear friend Phu, you've been given a second chances my friend. Show him that you love him, flirt with him with all that you've got... even I know you got nothing." He sigh as he spoke and I glare with his bitter statement.

"Ai Doc..."

"Grab him and take him Chief. Make him yours." He finally continue to give me his advise and I try to focus in listening with every details.

Out of no where, Rang come at our back and give me a question that make me feel shivers through my bone.

"But, is Nong Tian still single? It's been two years right?" I glare at Rang and I am ready to pluck out all of his eyebrows. Not because how stupid the question was. But how it might be the worst fact that I've been trying to ignore.

 But how it might be the worst fact that I've been trying to ignore

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"I don't care, he is here. And I am going to make sure he is mine!" I am determine to do whatever it takes to make him falls in love with me again.

My Tian is here, that's all I need.

Doc and Rang were looking at each other with glee but after a while. I also notices some concerns.

Who am I kidding, I'm so sure I am going to have the time of my life in order to get Tian's back.



It's late and I've been following Tian since forever...

With my eyes of course, he sprinted away whenever I was near.

The villagers were starting to leave and go back to their home. I can see Tian is ready to go back as well.

"Ok Longtae, Phi go back first na, I am tired with all the traveling today." He briefly hug Longtae and I hate myself for feeling bitter, when I know they were only friends or maybe brotherhood.

"Ok Phi, have a good rest and I'll see you later."

Tian walk out and start to move. Of course he is familiar with his way home, but still, I will not allows him to go back alone.

"I'm gonna send you home Tian."
Tian look around once he heard my voice, I guess he was hoping he can have Yod or Rang, but I've already sent them back way before.

And with a straight face Tian says,
"No need Chief, I can go back on my own. You don't have to trouble yourself"

"I won't allow it!" with my stern voice I dismiss him.

I know it safe, because we now have a trail with proper lights and strings bell for emergency alarm along the trail. But I don't care, I am sending my Tian home.

Tian seem ready for a come back but he seems too tired for it.

"Whatever Chief, you always do what you want anyways..."
And he turn to resume his walking back to the house, I'm following him closely by his side.

His statement making me realize, this won't be easy. Tian is really upset and distance.

While walking, I just be present to his side while continue to appreciate having Tian back and close with me, I know he is tired and I don't want to push him.

We are almost arrive to the house and Tian is continue walking into the house with silence. But before he step into the house I grab his hand. He is too tired to fight away, and this is my opportunity.

"Tian..., you are here Tian. I am not letting you go anymore" I talk to him softly as I softly kneaded his hands with my fingers, cause I know he will listen.

"Even if you were coming back not because of me. I don't care, because what important is now you are here. But you need to know, that I've been waiting for you since forever Tian. And I am never going to hurt you again. I am sorry for what I've did. I promised to you that I will make amend and I will getting you back."

I continue to say what I want to say.

I need to let him know that I've been waiting for him all this long, and I am not going to let him go again.

"Now, have a good rest. I know you are tired. I'm gonna see you later. Sweet dream Tian..." Slowly I let go of his warm hands.

Just like that and I walked away, return to my base without awaiting for his comeback.

I am determined to got my Tian back, and I will do whatever it takes to make him mine.


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