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☝Spidey Koo 🕷🐰


"Baby, please eat at least something?", Jungkook tried again, trying to make the child eat a bite, at least.

"No, Hyunie don't wanna, hmph.", the child huffed, his cheeks puffed out throwing yet another tantrum, trying to push the hand of the male trying to feed him while he eyes the food in the spoon in disgust.

"Hyunie, that's enough. You have to eat something. You have the first day of your school tomorrow.", Jungkook tried again, this time a bit sternly.

The child groaned but Jungkook was stubborn, he glared at the boy, not too harshly, he can never be. His soft doe eyes were never harsh on the little child he adores more than his life.

The boy begrudgingly opened his mouth a little and Jungkook smiled victoriously before pushing the spoon in his mouth, dumping all the food in there.

The boy chewed it slowly, a pout on his lips and a frown etched on his face looking at his appa's smug face. Jungkook scrunched his nose as he smiled on how cute his baby looked as he noms his food away in a pout.

"YUCK!", he suddenly exclaimed, after a few bites, as soon as he swallowed, his tounge lolling out of his mouth in his distaste as his face scrunched into a disgusted expression.

He quickly gulped down the water in the glass kept in front of him, holding it with his both his little hands.

"Appa did that again!", he shouted throwing his hands up in the air.

Jungkook just shakes his head before getting up and heads into the kitchen for keeping the leftover food in the plate away, knowing he won't be able to make him eat another bite after this.

The boy got down from his chair as he waddled after his father an angry frown on his face.

"You make Hyunie sollow the yucky tomato. That's chweating.", he complained shouting as he tugged on the shorts his father was wearing.

Jungkook huffed as he turns around. He placed his hand on his hips as he looked down at his stubborn son. The same doe eyes glaring- trying to glare actually. His baby looked like an angry puppy.

He held out a finger. "Hyunie, firstly, stop shoutin-"

"NO!" He was cut off.

Ignoring the disrespect, for now, another finger. "Secondly, tomatoes are healthy and you sh-"

"Hyunie hate them!", the child cried out.

Another finger. "And lastly it's swallow, not sollow."

The child threw his hand up in exasperation. "Same things.", he said shrugging his shoulder.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. "No, it's not."

"Yes, appa.", the child retorts.

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it ish."

"No, it's absolutely not.", Jungkook pressed.

"Appa, pwease. Itsh not. Stobh it."

"It's Stop. S. T. O. P."

"Jinnie said it was okay if Hyunie says that.", the child says crossing his little arms over his chest, not before flipping his imaginary hair, just like his uncle has taught him to.

Jungkook exhales exhausted.
Stupid Jin hyung, always spoiling my child.

"Okay Hyunie. Appa is busy, why don't you go and watch TV for a while. After that, you'll have to sleep 'cause you have to go to the school tomorrow.", he says and the boy nods.

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