°CHAPTER - 40°

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The most awaited chapter! 👅

Now, if someone still isn't satisfied by the end of the chapter, please let me know where I missed :)
I'll try to cover that fact in the next chapter.

And this book has 40K+ reads today🥺
Coincidentally, it's the 40th chapter today.


"So there's more?", Taehyung asked, increduled.

Jungkook shook his head. "There's nothing more but there are many things that I want to say.", he replied.

"Go on, I wanna know everything.", the older whispered.

"Okay." Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Wait!", Taehyung interrupted. "Why did you lie to me about the abortion?" The question has been bugging him everyday. "You could've talked to me, asked me if I was serious... Why did you have to lie to me?", he asked.

"I don't know... I was overwhelmed, my mind wasn't letting me breathe. Your words 'we can't keep the baby' kept ringing in my head.", he whispered. "My heart refused to believe that you will say something so absurd for our baby."

"I am sorry for that.", Taehyung apologized. That was one thing he knows he will regret his whole life. "I should have been more careful with that. Shouldn't have just dumped my opinion on you right after knowing the truth—"

Jungkook's eyes watered. "Yes, you should be. You should be fucking sorry for that!", he yelled. "You don't know how much those words hurt me, Taehyung."

The older bit his lips. "I'm s-sorry.", he whispered. He can't even imagine being in Jungkook's shoes.

I mean, imagine being in love with a person and accidentally getting pregnant, which is no one's fault. And then, as soon as you tell them about your pregnancy, you hear that 'you can't keep the baby'.

How can anyone be calm?

Jungkook sobbed, his tears coming out uncontrollably. "I was so hurt. Y-you didn't care about our baby just because we didn't have money? Why, Taehyung? Why? Why did you do that?"

"Kook! No!" Taehyung shook his head desperately denying the truth. "That's not it—"

"Then what was it?!", Jungkook questioned angrily. "What was it, huh?"


"Who would you choose if I ask you to choose now? Being an idol or being Junghyun's dad?"

Taehyung looked at him in disbelief. What kind of question was that but he replied to him nonetheless.

"Of course, Junghyun. Nothing matters more than him! Absolutely nothing.", he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Which for him, actually was.

"Even if you have to leave being an idol and all the money and fame?"

"I will." Taehyung firmly nodded his head. "My son is more important to me than anything, even being an idol."

Jungkook let out a humorless laughter.

"Then why wasn't it this way almost four years ago?"

Taehyung stilled. He froze completely.

"Why didn't you choose Junghyun, your son, your baby, four years ago without an ounce of doubt? When you had nothing?"

Taehyung looked down. His mind was running round in circles.

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