°CHAPTER - 29°

6.4K 322 204

Warning⚠    : Long chap ahead

And it's all over the place. A basic roller coaster.
I would like to excuse myself by giving the blame to my hormones because I'm on my periods 😪


(no cliffhanger in this one. Be grateful Luluslights)


"So, you and Jungkook were exes?"

Taehyung nodded at Hoseok's question. Hoseok frowned, along with Namjoon and Yoongi. They weren't impressed how Taehyung didn't tell them that they were exes even when they all knew Jungkook.

"That's an understatement.", Jimin scoffed. "They were in love. Young and stupid in love.",he corrected him.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at Jimin but did not deny him. How can he? It was the truth.

But that 'were' did sting a little. Ouch.

"Jimin, you knew?", Yoongi asked, his tone surprised even though he really shouldn't be because Taehyung and Jimin were undeniably close ever since Taehyung met them, a little more than them all.

"Some parts of it." Jimin gave him a shrug before glaring at Taehyung and slapping the back of his head. "This bitch didn't tell me anything about how they broke up and all."

Taehyung whined before swatting his hand away. "Come on! I didn't want to be an attention seeker by crying all my life misery to you."

Jimin rolled his eyes and didn't reply. It didn't exactly make sense that Taehyung should've told him everything to someone who he has known for a weeks only but he could've told Jimin later on. At least when they had Jungkook among themselves.

"If Taehyung had told me about that, I think I would have found about Junghyun a long time ago.", Jimin suddenly said, looking in Yoongi's direction thoughtfully.

"What?", Yoongi asked, clearing his throat awkwardly when he saw Jimin staring at him.

"To think you said that all so casually. I mean... About our Hyunie being Taehyung's son. If I knew how Taekook had broken up, a part of my brain would've thought of it, like maybe he really could be Taehyung's son?"

Taehyung exhaled frustratedly and leaned his head back on the couch, ignoring Jimin's rant.

"Your little brain wouldn't have thought so far.", Hoseok pointed out before he along with Yoongi burst into laughter.

"Taekook?", Namjoon mumbled after a moment, looking lost.

"Taehyung plus Jungkook, duh.", Hoseok enlightened him.


Jimin pouts sadly. "Tae, don't feel so bad. Look at the brighter side! You're a dad now.", he exclaimed, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Oh yeah! We have a nephew finally!", Hoseok cheers.

Taehyung sighed again. "I've been for a while, I didn't even know though.", he let out a bitter chuckle. "I'm really pathetic."

"Okay! Stop right there!", Yoongi warned him.

"Yeah, don't you dare blame yourself and then loathe in self-pity.", Jimin scolded before pulling him in a hug.

"Tae, you can't change the way it is. Just— just make sure you make up for all the lost time. Give Junghyun all the love he deserves and be there for him now.", Namjoon advised.

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