°CHAPTER - 43°

6.3K 297 156

*lies down on the floor in a proper body bow*
Accept my apologies for disappearing more than a month!


"Good morning."

"Huh" Jungkook looked at Taehyung in surprise. "Oh, go-good mornin'?"

Taehyung passed a small, uneasy smile to him seeing how awkward Jungkook became just because of the greeting.

Well, of course, the last few months Taehyung avoided him like a plague. Greetings and smiles weren't the normal exchanges between them but since their talk a week and half back, they've trying to act more civil than before.

It's still pretty awkward though.

"Is Hyunie awake?"

Jungkook hummed at Taehyung's question. The new cook he has hired was packing the lunchbox for Junghyun in the kitchen as well as preparing the breakfast for them.

Well, it was almost the end of the year and many of the award shows take place around this time of the year so they were obviously very busy. Jungkook obviously couldn't make much time in the morning because he stays up till late practicing choreographies for the songs they're performing this time around.

Also, they're having a comeback next month, so they have to work harder.

Since Jungkook is new to the group, he has double the work. He has to go through the whole discography of the group.

He's got to learn to sing all their previous songs as well as the choreography so as to perform with the group. Luckily for him, there's just three to four albums.

"He's in my room. Watching the alphabet song on the TV. He has to present the song in front of the class today."

Taehyung's smile subconsciously widened on the mention of Hyunie's class presentation. His baby would do so good, he knows.

"I'll go check up on him."

"Please bring him fast for breakfast too. I have to leave within an hour."

Taehyung walks into Junghyun's room only to see Junghyun petting Luffy, the cute Doberman puppy, that Jungkook adopted for him as a present.

"Luffy! Shay goo' mornin to Dada!", he ordered the puppy as soon as he saw his dad coming in his room.

The puppy wooded cutely before licking Junghyun's face excitedly which made him whine.

Taehyung chuckled at the duo. They were both just too adorable! Their doe eyes so cute and misty as they looked up at each other, Hyunie with a pout and Luffy with mischief.

Taehyung sat on the rug where Hyunie was sitting with Luffy and pecked Hyunie's head. "Good morning, my little sunshine."

Hyunie smiled as he returned the greeting and crawled to Taehyung's lap. Luffy woofed as it tried to crawl over to the older's lap as well, just like it's friend did.

Taehyung chuckled as he saw Luffy walk away woofing as it ran out of the room, probably to it's absolute favorite human that was Jungkook, after failing at the task.

"Did my baby miss Dada? Mhmm?" Taehyung asked as he booped their noses together. Junghyun pouted. "Yesh. Miss Dada very mush.", he mumbled wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck who cooed at him before cuddling him closer.

When after a few moments Hyunie didn't speak, Taehyung asked, "What happened, Hyunie?" because it wasn't usual for Hyunie to be this quiet in the morning.

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