°CHAPTER - 13°

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God dammit!
This scene has been extended too long 😀


"But Hyunie saad that Appa and Jinnie ish best. So she was angggy!", he explained as Jungkook wiped his tears. "But Hyunie saad truth, so why she angwy, Appa?", he asked looking up at Jungkook. (Saad=said)

Jungkook was barely fighting his tears back. It was his fault that he could not pick his child up from school and for that the little one had to listen people badmouthing him.

Taehyung who could see how Jungkook was not in the best conditions to answer , so he decided to step in.

He caressed Junghyun's hair, catching the little one's attention who immediately looked at him. "Because she did not have an Appa like yours or your uncle Jinnie! She was jealous!", Taehyung told him carefully.

Junghyun looked at him in surprise. "Rweaalllyyyy!?", he asked, gasping.

Taehyung nodded his head repeatedly making his hair bounce and Junghyun giggle through the tears because he looked funny.

"WooWoo's mama meanie!", he then complained, pouting as he looked up at Jungkook and Jungkook kissed his head. "Yes,she is a meanie, my baby."

Sorry not sorry, but he won't tell his son that someone was good if they weren't. His child did not need to think everyone was good. He needs to know that not everyone is good, so he doesn't trust someone who hurt him blindly.

"And she saad Hyunie was ugly bustter!", Junghyun exclaimed sniffing.

Taehyung did not really get what Junghyun was saying because he did not really know what things Hyunie misspelled.

But Jungkook kinda did, and it made him freeze. He really wanted it be not true.

"Did she- did she say bastard, baby?", Jungkook softly asks the boy. Taehyung next to him stiffened.

The boy nodded. "Yesh! That word!"

Jungkook clenched his jaw to control his anger while Taehyung next to him was literally fuming.

"How can she call a little child that? That too-", he angrily started but Jungkook stopped him.

"Hyung, it's- it's okay."

"No! It's not.", Taehyung said angrily. He can't believe that people nowadays will stoop so low as to say such things to a little kid. "That's it. We're going to the police-"

"What? No! We canno-"

Junghyun looked between the two people arguing and then asked softly, "Appa? What ish ugly bustter?"

Jungkook looked at him and shook his head. "No, baby, it's an adult thing. You won't ever repeat the word, okay?", he sternly told the boy.

The boy pouted but nods his head nonetheless. "But what it means?", he asked confusedly.

"Baby...", Jungkook whispered, "Stop. I said it's a bad thing. We don't talk about bad things.", he coaxed the boy who nodded nonetheless because he felt his father was getting upset.

"But Hyunie ish not ugly, right?", he asked Jungkook in a small voice and Jungkook finally let out a sob.

How can someone be so cruel to such a little child who's barely four? What did the little one ever do to her?

"N-no! M-My baby is the most beautiful baby in the world!", he cried hugging the boy to his chest as he let out silent sobs.

He sniffled and tried to control his sobs but- fucking hell! It hurts more when it's your child that is hurting. It breaks you on the inside.

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