°CHAPTER - 28°

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I literally wrote this chapter sitting in a religious gathering.
If someone got to know that I'm writing 'gay' shit there, they would've lost their shit 😶


"NO!", the boy screams making Jungkook huff as he again searches through the pile of clothes in Junghyun's closet. He whines as he can't get what he is been looking for.

"But baby I can't f-"

"No! No! No!", the boy cried out stomping his feet on the floor, "Hyunie only wanns purple." He pouts crossing his arms and glaring at his appa.

Jungkook groans at his stubborn son. His little brat is back. He takes the shirt the Hyunie has thrown onto the floor and hands it over to the boy.

"Baby, see this one's is purple too.", he says cheerfully trying to reason with the boy who scowls before shaking his head furiously making the smile drop from Jungkook's lips as his shoulders slump in defeat.

"But it not have a bear.", he complained, "Hyunie jusht want bear only.", he pouts stubbornly, again throwing the shirt aside.

When Hyunie wants something, he wants it.

I wonder where he gets this trait from? *Tata mic face*

"Ugh!", Jungkook groans again, "Hyunie, your shirt does not matter.", he says dismissively. Finally fed up with his little tantrums as he tries to forcefully make him wear the shirt and the boy just screams trying to dodge away his evil father's intentions.

Or Father's evil intentions.

Though Jungkook was strong, Hyunie was successful in dodging as he runs out of the room just wearing his shorts and a small towel hanging from his head.

"Junghyun! Come back here!", Jungkook exlaims as he gets up to run after the boy who runs away squealing.

The sudden shrill voice of the doorbell that resonates through the apartment catches Jungkook's attention who huffs and gives up on finding his little brat for now and moves to the door.

Brown eyes met the dark blank ones as the door is opened. Both just stare at each other for a moment before Jungkook blinks and averts his eyes from Taehyung's.

"O-oh hyung. Good m-morning.", Jungkook greets finally getting his voice back. He forces himself to smile, trying hard not to remember all what happened yesterday.

Taehyung nods in acknowledgement, doesn't say a word and the smile on Jungkook's face slips.

"Is Junghyun awake yet?", Taehyung asks, looking at anywhere but Jungkook. Some of the bitterness he felt for Jungkook had faded away when he saw how Jungkook took the whole blame of the situation in front of Junghyun. But the anger was still there, and he can't help it.

He remembers everything as soon as he looks at Jungkook's face and God help him, he does not wish to live that nightmare again.

Taehyung raises a brow at him, finally turning his attention to him as he notices the lack of response and is met with a dazed expression on younger's face.

Why is he ogling me like that?

His actions finally seem to have snapped Jungkook out of his mind as he embarrassedly ducks his head down, a flustered shade of red creeping on his neck upto his ears.

He stutters finally trying to save himself for any further embarrassment.

"Oh umm yeah, come in, please. He is-" And his words are cut of with a sound of something breaking followed by a shrill scream.

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