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Trust me when I say I wasn't going to update but someone 'forced me' to, just because it's her birthday

Y'all, I'm sorry 💀
But I just can't help emotional blackmail  I felt bad 😭

Happy fucking birthday NotAFunnyBitch
I still hate you for ruining my update schedule 😭


"Yeah, but I wish you all could come.", Taehyung whined looking at the screen of his laptop. He was on a video call with his family.

He wanted them all to be here for Junghyun's birthday but they, unfortunately, couldn't be here.

"We wanted to come too, Oppa! But you know that we can't leave Appa here all alone or he'll jump into the farms and do all of the work himself.", his younger sister complained, narrowing her eyes at their father who huffed.

His younger brother nodded through the screen. "We want to meet our nephew badly, hyung. Don't worry though, once thses unpredictable rains stop, we'll all visit.", he promised. "I wanna see Junghyun badly!", he whined making everyone laugh.

Taehyung hummed. "But who's Junghyun? I only know Kim Junghyun." He smirked when everyone looked surprised.

And then it was all a mess with how everyone started commenting on how good it sounded. Taehyung's mother finally pushed both of his whining siblings out of the frame and sat down in front of the screen.

"You should visit us too sometimes, Tae. It's been so long since you came home.", his mother complained.

Taehyung sighed. "I will come soon, eomma. I think we can all spend the Christmas together.", he
promised and it was true. He had almost a week holiday for Christmas. He could surely visit then.

"But you're only allowed in the house if you bring my grandson with you.", his father put forward playfully and earned a slap on his arm.

"OuR grandson.", Taehyung's mother corrected making Mr. Kim roll his eyes. Taehyung laughed at the banter.

"I don't promise that but I'll try. You know it's not possible for him to live without Jungkook. He doesn't even eat food until Jungkook scolds him."

"Yah! Who told you to bring him without Jungkook?! I'm talking about both of them. You're bringing both of them or you're not allowed.", his mother said in fake anger and Taehyung has to just gape at her.

Is the same mother he had a month ago?

Wasn't she the one who was super angry with Jungkook for keeping her grandson away from him?

"Eomma? Are you for real? You were so angry-"

His mother sighed, cutting him off. "I can't be angry at him forever.", she said. She, obviously, wasn't impressed at all after learning all about the sham that happened. She was so ready to run to Seoul if it wasn't for her husband stopping her.

She was literally so so angry on Jungkook that even Taehyung was surprised but he kind of understood her reaction because he wasn't any different.

"Honestly, when I picture being in his situation, I could only think of ways to kill your father, painfully so.", she answered honestly.

His father shook his head, pitying himself. "I would never do that, honey.", he spoke in his defense only to be shushed.

"So you think I'm the wrong one?", Taehyung questioned, quitely. His mother again shook her head.

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