°CHAPTER - 16°

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Double update
Read chapter 15 first if you haven't read it


"Tae, son? Hey! How are y- ohmyGod! Why is your picture horizontal?"

Taehyung laughed as his dad shrieked cutting off his own sentence to complain about the video call dynamics.

"Appa," he fondly said, "You're holding your phone sideways...Turn it like this," he showed how to and his father followed. "Yes, is it okay now?", he asked.

He watched his father's expression turn into a satisfied one. "Yes," he grunted, "It's still so tough handling these things."

Taehyung scrunched his nose. "Stop talking like some old grandpa.", Taehyung teased him.

"But I Am old, though.", his father laughed through the screen and Taehyung watched as a box like smile, very familiar to his, appeared on his face.

"No, you're the most handsome father of the most handsome man in the world.", Taehyung retorted with a smirk.

"I'm your only father, son.", his father snorted and Taehyung shrugged. "Still, handsome."

"How are you? Do you eat well nowadays?", his father asked. The worry in his voice making Taehyung smile.

"I think I'm old enough to do so and these are the things that I should ask you!", he whined and his father laughed.

"Well, you have already snatched away everything for me and I have nothing to do now.", his father complained with a glare which Taehyung knew was anything but serious, "The only thing I can do now, at least, is worry for my hardworking son. Let me be."

His father was talking about their farms.

Though Taehyung earned enough money for his parents to live without any worries, they insisted on working. They even refused when Taehyung asked them to move to Seoul with him. They were too attached to their farms and house and their hometown.

His father refused to give his work up, he said it kept him busy and happy so Taehyung ended up hiring workers for their farm so his father could just sit around and order them. Working still, but not tiring himself.

Taehyung was proud he could help his father and his father was even prouder that his son thought so much about them.

His siblings were studying in a good place as well. He was now a proud brother and a proud son. He could never ask for more.

His mom would always scold him for spending so much money on them but a pout and kicked-puppy look of his face was all it took him to convince his mother.

"If you worry so much then come give your son a visit at least!", Taehyung whined as he rolled on his bed, pouting.

His father hummed. "Maybe we will visit you next month. You have a concert in the first week, right?", he asked.

"Yes!" Taehyung nodded excitedly. "You all should come.", he said.

His dad laughed, the wrinkles on his face scrunching as a sign of his age. "Let's see. Your sister has exams so she probably won't and your brother is going out on a trip so he won't. I will for sure because I'm the number one fan of V!", his dad said.

"Hmm, what about mom?"

His father rolled his eyes. "She's so busy nowadays with her 'friends'", he finger quoted the last word, "She is always bragging about her superstar idol son who won two billboard awards in America."

Taehyung barked out a laugh. His phone almost falling on his face from laughing so hard. "So mom is now one of those snobby ladies in the town who wouldn't stop about her sexy son.", he asked in amusement.

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