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6K 322 60

Hi :)

I miss his long hair :(


"Taehyung?", Jimin had asked confused. "What are you doing here?"

Taehyung shrugged, trying to look past the standing Jimin and Hoseok to see who was there with Jungkook. "Recorded the song already.", he said and then raised the milkshake in his hands, "I was starving so bought myself some milkshake."

"What going on here?", he then asked keeping his bag on one of the chair. His eyes meeting with Jungkook's stressed looking ones for a fleeting second.

"Junghyun has been crying.", Hoseok informed as he caressed the boy's head who had his face buried inside his father's chest and Taehyung could see his body shaking and soft sniffles and some even softer cries.

His eyes softened immediately. "What happened to him?", he asked to no one in particular.

Jungkook decided to answer because, of course, it was his child who has been crying. "I don't know. He just kept crying ever since he came from school. Jin hyung picked him up but he even he couldn't shush him.", he said, sighing as the boy let out a loud wail.

"Baby, it's okay.", he softly rocked the boy in his lap. "No, baby. Don't cry.", he continued to shush the boy.

Taehyung moved and immediately crouched in front of the couch where Jungkook sat. He kept the milkshake in his hand on the table beside the couch.

"Hey, little man!", he called to the boy carefully as Jungkook peeled the boy away from his embrace slowly so he could see the older.

The boy sniffed and looked at Taehyung's face which had a small smile. "BVi?", he asked cutely rubbing his eyes, his chin and plushy lower lip wobbling as he spoke.

Taehyung coo-ed sadly at the boy and wiped his tears off with his fingers. "Why is the strongest baby crying, hm?", he asked the boy in the softest voice possible.

The boy's eyes did not take a second to fill up with tears again and he burst into wails again but this time he did not clung to Jungkook, instead he latched his hands around Taehyung's neck and cried into his neck.

Taehyung was startled but he was quick to wrap his arms around the little body of the boy. One of his hand reaching into his hair, running soothingly while the palm of his other hand rubbing his small back.

"Aigoo, don't cry, little one. You're such a strong baby. Don't cry. Hush, little man.", Taehyung whispered soothingly to him.

Jungkook was shocked. Very very shocked.

Junghyun never - he means it when he says never - hugs someone while crying other than Jungkook and Jin.

Hell, he did not even cry to his own grandmother, Jungkook's mom. He stuffed his face in a pillow instead but did not hug her while crying.

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