°CHAPTER - 35°

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The chapter was getting a bit too long so had to cut it short

So the next one would be Hyunie's b'day too but you all will love that one cuz we'll get to see Taekook bicker a lot 🤧

Now, enjoy...


Jungkook opened the door to his apartment around twelve to the bell that rang repeatedly, disturbing his sleep. Jin was already fast asleep on his bed.

"What?", Jungkook asked sleepily as he saw Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon on his door with shit eating grins. They were all jumping on their toes like excited toddlers.

Jimin was holding a cake and Namjoon was holding another cake. All of them had a bag on their arms and Taehyung had a cupcake in his hands.

"I baked it myself!", he excitedly explained when he saw Jungkook looking at it.

Yoongi snorted. "Yeah, after destroying it four times.", he exposed making them all laugh, "And then calling me to help."

Well, our Daddy Taehyung Kim took it in his hand to bake a cake for his son.

He was doing everything well, but the first one got burned. The second one was a bit umm unshaped(?) because he forgot to add baking powder to it. The third one he dropped accidentally because it was too hot but he forgot to add sugar in it so it was definitely not something he should cry over.

Well, he didn't really understand what he was doing wrong so he called Chef Baek and asked him to instruct him what to do. It was all good but Taehyung being Taehyung accidentally put the batter of it under the water when he was washing hands.

At last, he was disheartened and was almost about to cry because it was already eleven and he had no ingredients left to make a cake. So he called Yoongi to rescue who helped him bake a little cupcake for his son.

"I'm sorry but he's sleeping." Jungkook chuckled. They all gasped, instantly bursting out into protests.

"But why it's his birthday?"

"He's just a four year old if all of you are forgetting.", Jungkook reminded. They all pouted as they followed him into the living room.

The youngest saw all of their sullen faces and sighed, feeling a little bad. "Fine, wait here.", Jungkook stood up, "I'll wake him up.", saying that he walked into Junghyun's room.

They all stood up excitedly, taking their positions so they can surprise the boy when he arrives.

Meanwhile Jungkook walked in and saw how Junghyun was sleeping on his tummy, clutching a pillow to himself and his face pressed to it as he slept so peacefully.

Jungkook wanted to let him sleep but he also didn't have the heart to ruin the surprise of all those men that adored him so much waiting for him.

Moreover, the little one would be so happy when he will get the surprise.

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