°CHAPTER - 22°

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Before that...answer this so I know...

Who do y'all think is gonna be the one to expose the truth?

Answer before reading... Let's see who's correct! (If someone does answer correctly, I'll write them a chapter out or their fantasy!)


"Would you take Junghyun to the stage if I say he is your own child?"

Taehyung looked at Jungyoon in utter shock and astonishment. "What?", he sputtered out with wide eyes.

Jungyoon bit his lip and shook his head, letting out a nervous chuckle. It's probably not the greatest idea to tell Taehyung such a big thing just before his performance.

Moreover, it's not the right thing to do. It's Jungkook who should be telling Taehyung. Not me, not no one else.

"Hahah, I mean what if you were in a similar situation and it was your own child rather than Junghyun. Would you take him with you?", he asked, correcting his sentence.

Taehyung let out a sigh. He looked at the wall clock. Only twenty minutes were to go before his performance. "I would.", he admitted, "It's an urgent situation. We've been practicing for months and I can't let my fans down, not when I myself told them to look forward to my performance."

Jungyoon smiled. "Don't worry. They'll not be disappointed but since you're already prepared for the stage and the only hindrance is the presence of a little kid, why don't you take Junghyun?", he tickled Junghyun's chin making the boy giggle, "I mean my Junghyunie is handsome, isn't he?", he asked.

"Of course,he is.", Taehyung smiled looking at boy in adoration. "He is the most handsome baby I've ever seen.", he admitted, pinching Junghyun's little nose who squealed and giggled.

Their own child is always the prettiest to every parent, Taehyung. Junyoon thought, sadly looking between Taehyung and his nephew.

Well, if you're wondering, Jungyoon too knew all about what went down between Jungkook and Taehyung. Jungkook confessed all that to him, way before he confessed it to Jin.

In fact, it was Jungyoon who pushed Jungkook to at least tell Jin about the truth because Jin deserved that much if he was standing beside him and supporting him through all that.

For a matter of fact, Jungyoon knew way more than the situations between Jungkook and Taehyung, than anyone knew.

"Well, then... You have a problem and a solution for it right in front of you.", Junyoon said, shrugging.

"Will my little hero go with Taehyung and help him with the stage, hm?", he then asked Junghyun who nodded his head frantically.

"Yesh! Superhero Hyunie help TaeTae!", he exclaimed making everyone laugh.

Taehyung gestured Jungyoon to take Junghyun in his arms, which the older did. He took out his phone and said, "I'll just call Jungkook and ask him once."

Jungyoon frowned, pursing his lips. "What? Why?", he questioned.

Taehyung shrugged. "It just doesn't feel right taking Junghyun without his permission. I mean... I should ask him or at least inform him.", he says and Jungyoon rolls his eyes.

If only you knew...

"Um.. Sure. Go ahead." ,he replied, all the time hoping that Jungkook doesn't pick up. As always.

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