°CHAPTER - 44°

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It's me, hi!
I'm the irregular ass author, it's me!

My heartfelt apology for being so late💖
Thank you for waiting, enjoy!!!


"Oh, God. Stop crying, Hyunie."

Jungkook who's busy rocking the hysterically crying Junghyun in his arms, groaned. "Why are you behaving like this? You're Appa's good boy, right?"

But Junghyun wasn't ready to listen. He cried more and shook his head stubbornly. "Dada!", he demanded.

Jungkook sighed in helplessness and frustration. Taehyung was out for a shoot since yesterday evening, so it had been more than a day that Junghyun hasn't seen him.

The boy was getting restless, he just wanted his father who he was so used to seeing now as the first thing in the morning and the last thing before sleeping.

"He'll come soon, Hyunie.", he tried to pacify the boy. "You know he has work, right? Just go to sleep, he'll come in the morning."

"Why dad n-not come home?"

Jungkook sighed. "He has work, baby."

"Wanth Dada.", the boy mumbled stuffing his face in his Appa's chest.

The older pursed his lips. What was he even supposed to do now? He even called Taehyung twice but he hadn't picked up, must've been busy.

"Baby, you talked to him in the evening, right? What did he say?", Jungkook asked, now regretting not putting the phone on the speaker so he could know what they talked about.

"Dada love Hyunie."

Jungkook facepalmed. "Yeah, okay? What else did he say?", he asked.

Junghyun thought for a long moment before he said, "That Dada will come home at night." Then Jungkook watched as his eyes teared up once again. "B-but he ish not hwome."

So Jungkook just patted his back, while he rocked him back and forth. The boy sniffled in his hold, whining here and there.

Jungkook dialed Taehyung's number a few times more, but the latter did not pick up once.

It shouldn't but it was making Jungkook angry.

It was then when his doorbell rang. Jungkook got up with Junghyun and walked to the door, opening the door to Taehyung who was ruffling his hair.


Jungkook clenched his jaw and glared at Taehyung. "Where have you been!? Huh?"

The older's eyes widened at Jungkook's hostile tone and that's when he heard the broken voice calling out to him, "D-dada."

Taehyung's heart broke when he saw the red swollen eyes of his son. "Hyunie, I'm so sorry, baby."

He immediately apologized before taking the boy in his arms and kissing his cheek. "Dada got stuck in work. Forgive me." This apology looked more for Jungkook than Junghyun, who was now feeling embarrassed about shouting at him.

Junghyun simply mumbled some coherent sentences to him, Taehyung only catching the words 'meanie' and 'missh you', before burying his face in the crook of his father's neck.

Taehyung caressed his head and let the boy hug him while he gave Jungkook an apologetic look. "I am sorry I didn't answer your calls, kinda fell asleep on my way back and the shoot got extended for two hours."

Well, Jungkook could obviously see how tired he look.

"It's fine. You don't have to apologize.", he assured hurriedly. "It's just Junghyun cried nonstop so I didn't know what to do. I'm, um, sorry for raising my voice just now."

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