°CHAPTER - 17°

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No, not a mistake. You can read it 💀

Y'all were just so anticipated for the update so I decided to write a small chapter for y'all.

We're getting there, slowlyyyyy..

Anyways, who was hating Jungkook since the last few chapters?
Get in line here... We'll talk after the chap




Jungkook glanced at the shining doe eyes and shook his head making Junghyun huff.

"Appa, pweeaaseee!", he started whining, widening his doey eyes more and pouting.

"No means no, Junghyun.", Jungkook sternly said glaring at the little one. Junghyun sat on the floor and started kicking his legs and fake crying. "But Hyunie wanna pway with TaeTae!!!", he cried out and it was getting on Jungkook's nerves now.

From the last few months, Junghyun has become very whiny and he throws tantrum at anything and everything!

Usually Jungkook is busy all the day so it's either Jin who's looking after him or it's one amongst Jimin, Taehyung or Hoseok. In very very rare occurrences- the daycare lady at the building, which is probably less than fifteen times if Jungkook remembers the count.

And all of them are too lenient towards the boy! No one ever scolds him nor is he ever denied of something.

If Hyunie wants ice-cream, Hyunie gets ice-cream.

If Hyunie wants pizza, Hyunie gets pizza.

If Hyunie wants some toys, Hyunie gets double the toys he asks for.

If Hyunie wants to be carried around, Hyunie gets carried around.

If Hyunie wants a horseback ride, Hyunie has more than six handsome horses.

Even his producers, his manager and the choreographer are always all over the boy. He's the most famous one in the Hybe building. Every employee passing by is always greeting the boy or cooing at him or pinching his cheek.

And as the attention seeker the little one is, he enjoys it thoroughly.

And worst of all is 'his TaeTae'!
He teaches him all the weird things to say and do.

He'll make Hyunie wear weird googles and some even weirder wigs and they'll both take karaoke mics and then rock the whole building with dancing and singing.

Of course it's Taehyung who's singing and Junghyun just babbles some broken words to which Taehyung claps and cheers as if the little boy is Shakira who's performing live just for him.

This is a daily occurance and Taehyung doesn't even give a shit that it is his workplace. Junghyun obviously doesn't mind because- no reason, but TaeTae is cool. Everything he does is... soooo cool.

The little one is having the days of his life. Jungkook has noticed how he's become more stubborn and whiny and it's all because no one scolds him for anything now that Jungkook is busy.

The most interesting event that took place was when Jungkook had gone to shoot for his debut MV in some place that was on outskirts of Seoul and Junghyun's teacher called to inform that the boy apparently had a stomach ache.

Jungkook being Jungkook had forgotten his phone at the company building so Hoseok was the one who picked the phone up and oh Lord... Everything after that was pure chaos.

Hoseok and Taehyung... They both went to Junghyun's playschool to pick him up. They didn't even inform Jungkook and just reached there and asked for the boy so they could take him home.

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