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Fever sucks y'all. Don't drink iced-coffee anymore lest you should end up like me 😔

I hate the changing season 🗿
But funny thing. This is kind of my favorite season too 🗿


Taehyung sleepily slapped away the thing that was constantly trying to wake him up by touching his face. By the feels of it, his sleepy brain concluded that it must be Junghyun's hand 'cause it so soft and small.

"Dada! Dada! Wake up!"

Taehyung groaned turning his head away in a different direction. He, obviously, slept late and moreover he cried so much so he felt like his head was going to burst.

"Baby, not now." He groaned.

Junghyun who was actually trying to wake him up, fruitlessly so, from more than five minutes, pouted.

"But Dada... Hyunie wanna go to Appa.", he whined while jumping on his back and hugged his head.

Taehyung let out a muffled sigh into the pillow, feeling suffocated by the pressure on Junghyun's whole body on his head.

"Okay okhay."

Junghyun instantly jumped away from him, excitedly clapping his hand in victory. The older inhaled the much needed air.

"Baby...", he then asked confused after taking a moment to blink his eyes open. "Why didn't you go to your Appa yourself?"

Well, Junghyun usually woke up and walked to Jungkook's room on his own because Jungkook always left the door wide open for him to enter.

"Appa door closhe." the boy explained with a pout.

Taehyung sighed exasperatedly and then groggily sat up with his messy hair that looked like a birds nest making Junghyun chuckle and touch them.

Taehyung let out a lazy, half hearted smile and picked the boy up and walking to Jungkook's room after realizing that it was his mistake for having slammed the door after running out of the room.

The boy kept humming some random song while he giggled constantly and scratched Taehyung's hair softly as if he was some dog. He even pulled them softly watching it bounce just for the fun of it. It did hurt Taehyung but he was too sleepy and lazy to react other than a few muscle pulls of his face.

Taehyung immediately dropped the sleeping Junghyun near Jungkook on the bed before instantly dumping his own body on the bed, taking another pillow to cuddle and fall asleep again.

Meanwhile our Junghyunie immediately woke Jungkook up by shaking him.

The brunette whined but begrudgingly opened his eyes and smiled at the boy who was smiling brightly.

He then turned to look at Taehyung questionably who was sleeping like a log with a parted mouth with little snores falling out of his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Why Appa door closhed?"

Jungkook made a pout at the question. "I'm sorry, baby. I must've forgotten to open it before sleeping."

The boy instantly seemed to buy his apology and then plopped on his chest. "Hyunie saw a bwutterfly."

"In your dreams?"

The boy nodded at him. "Yesh, it was very prwetty and it wash blue! And a dog-"

Jungkook yawned as he nodded at the boy's colorful narration of his dreams which made little to no sense but nevermind, he had to do certain things as a parent.

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