°CHAPTER - 31°

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Just a little fluffy chap for y'all ❤
Writing fluff is the hardest 😠
And when I write it , it's extremely shitty

This one's for you
taebooty_is_supreme 🥂🌚
I love you, my bitch.

It's only cuz YOU like fluff I wrote this one. Now, don't you dare ask for more 🔪🙂


"Hyunie!", Jungkook called out walking into his home after work. "I'm home."

As usual he hears the loud pitter patter of small feet against the wood approaching him and smiles. That's his baby.

"Appa!", the boy who came to his view whisper yelled.

Jungkook smiles at his son, his nose scrunching adorably. "Why are you whispering, my baby?", he asked picking him up in his arm so he can get his usual welcome kiss.

But instead of that he gets a small finger placed against his lips making him frown at the boy in confusion.

"Daddy ish shleeping.", the little one whispers to him before pecking his nose.

Jungkook chuckles at how adorable his baby is. Look at him being careful because his daddy is sleeping.

Jungkook opens his mouth and takes the little finger in it before biting  it playfully making the boy shriek and giggle. He walks with Hyunie in his arms to his room because according to Junghyun, Taehyung was sleeping there.

"What were you doing?"

"Hyunie making Dada sleep!", the boy excitedly told him with gleaming eyes.

"Oh, really?", Jungkook pretend to be impressed. "How so?"

Junghyun giggled before patting his Appa's head softly  like he is used to him doing before he dozes off to sleep.

Jungkook just shook his head at the boy. This boy and his Dada.

Junghyun demanded he put him back again near Taehyung so he can again help his Dada in sleeping and Jungkook is just a weak man for his baby, he puts him next to Taehyung before heading to take a shower.

He walked out after a few minutes while rubbing his hair with a towel to get water out it but not drying it completely because he kinda liked the cool sensation of wet hair on his head. It's relaxing.

"Hyunie? What happened?", he asked the boy when he saw him frowning.

"Dada ish very hot."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked at his baby. "W-what?", he asked in disbelief. Is he hearing things now.

Junghyun pouted before pointing at Taehyung's head. "Dada ish hawt!", he exclaimed softly.

Jungkook blinked. What is that supposed to mean?

"Daddy's hand hot too!"

It took Jungkook a while to understand that the little one was talking about the temperature of his father and not— ahem. Nothing.

Jungkook shook his head at himself before walking near the bed and settling down near Taehyung's head. He pressed the back of his hand on Taehyung's head and frowned when he felt it was indeed warmer than it should be.

"I think he has a fever.", he mumbled as he felt his neck too. Yep, he definitely had a fever.

"Wut happen to Dada?", the boy asked worriedly. Jungkook gave him a small smile. "Nothing, baby. He's just a little sick."

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