°CHAPTER - 39°

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Short chapter... Sorry :(

Please ask questions and DON'T misunderstand if you can't get it
I'll explain happily



Taehyung echoed the name but it didn't ring any bells to him. He furrowed his brows, trying to remember but didn't find someone familiar.

"I don't remember," Taehyung finally admitted, "Who was she?"

Jungkook released a breath, sighing. "Remember Han Woobin? The boy in your class who was cheating on his girlfriend."

Taehyung thought for a moment before he nodded. "Yeah, I remember. He was an asshole."

Jungkook sniffled. "Yura was his girlfriend, he was cheating on her.", he explained.

Taehyung nodded but he was utterly confused. He can't bring himself to guess what could this Yura have to do with them.

"Did she do something bad to you?", he asked stiffly after a few moments. He doesn't want to think about something.

Someone hurting Jungkook and he wasn't aware? Taehyung would rather kill himself.

"No, no!", Jungkook frantically shook his head. "No she didn't."

"Then?", Taehyung asked, desperately, cluelessly.

Jungkook's eyes watered. "We met the next day after I told you about my pregnancy..."


"Hey, calm down."

The interruption of the gentle voice made him pause in between his actions of bouncing his knees and biting his nails.


"Aren't you Jungkook? We go to the same school.", she offered a warm smile. "I'm your senior. My name is Yura."

Jungkook shook her hand with a small smile. "Ah yes, I've seen you around, noona.", he responded.

"Aren't you Kim Taehyung's boyfriend? The one who got selected for one of the idol companies.", she asked curiously.

Jungkook nodded, indeed he was. Yura nodded, this time, in deep thoughts.

"So, you're pregnant too?", Yura asked after a moment.

Jungkook gulped. He didn't really tell anyone yet but he couldn't lie while sitting in the lobby waiting for his turn at the gynecologist.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I, myself, am four months pregnant.", Yura assured, after watching his nervous expression.

Jungkook smiled gratefully at her. "It's a nice feeling. Isn't it?", he asked softly.

"It is." Yura nodded. "Very fascinating, actually. It feels surreal."

"You're here alone?", she asked before biting her lips, "Oh, I'm sorry. I know how it feels to be left alone by somebody you thought will stay with you forever."

"Huh?", Jungkook asked confused. He knew what she meant but he didn't like how she just assumed.

"My boyfriend wants to be an idol too, you know." She smiled sadly. "He said this wasn't what he planned, he asked me to abort my baby."

Jungkook froze. His hands formed fists on his own accord.

The flashes from his and Taehyung's conversation yesterday, flashing in his mind again.

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