°CHAPTER - 15°

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I know I said I was gonna update yesterday but I didn't .... So sorryyyy

But here I am!
So, enjoy

This chapter is a flashback.



"Jungkook! Jungkook! JUNGKOOK!"

Taehyung banged his fist against his door, exactly after two days, like he had said. He came back to Daegu just an hour ago.

He was dead tired but he knew Jungkook needed him more at the moment.

When he had texted Jungkook for the last two days, the replies were only a 'hm' or an 'okay' or just a plain 'I'm fine'.

He knew Jungkook was upset with him. And his father and him had a talk while they were on the train. He told him that he shouldn't take the decision for both of them rather he should see and consult things with Jungkook. Jungkook is the one carrying the Kid, his father told him that it was normal for him to be attached with the baby so much.

Taehyung had nodded. He understood.

He knew what Jungkook's decision was gonna be, already. He would want to keep the child and Taehyung won't deny him this time because it was their kid. They should, both of them, together take the decision.

Taehyung maybe scared of the idea of having a child but he is willing to try now.

They'll raise their child together.

Thinking about it already made him giddy. It filled his chest with a certain warmth.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was panicking. He was freaking out. He did not want to see Taehyung. He did not want to talk to him.

He has already made a decision on what to do in these two days.

He placed a hand on his lower stomach. "I'm sorry, baby."

He heaved a sigh shakily and opened the door. Good thing his parents weren't around today.

He watched as Taehyung paused him a smile. A smile he had grown to love and cherish in their years together.

"Why are you here, Taehyung?", he asked the older, his expression blank.

Taehyung's smile slipped but he managed a smaller smile, a nervous one.

"Baby... Hey! You weren't picking up my calls. I called you many time today and yesterday."

Jungkook said nothing. He just walked in and Taehyung followed, closing the door behind him.

"Okay... I said we'll talk. Let's do it now.", he said, exhaling a huge breath after that.

A large boxy smile on his face thinking about how happy would Jungkook be to hear that he is ready to have a child.

"I know how much you want our
Baby. I'm ready-"

Jungkook blinked at Taehyung with a blank gaze. Emotionless. "I aborted the baby.", he blurted out blankly, cutting Taehyung off.

Jungkook really hadn't but Taehyung didn't need to know that.

Taehyung froze mid sentence in his place. He looked at a blank Jungkook in shock.

"What?", he asked in a whisper.

Jungkook just nodded his head. "Yes, you wanted me to abort the baby. So I did.",he said.

It hurt Taehyung more than he thought it will. Also Jungkook went there alone? He shouldn't have. Taehyung knew how much it must've hurt him.

"Oh, baby- why?", he crooned, "You should have waited for me.", he said.

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