°CHAPTER - 37°

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I should apologize because I broke my promise of daily updates. I'm really really really very sorryy🥺

But I just finished school, and have to get myself enrolled in some college, of course. So, yeah... The dates of the admission forms came abruptly and I had to go.

I apologize but damn, I have to sort my life out a little. Please excuse me :(




"Did he pick up?", Jin asked, trying to shush the crying baby, our Junghyun, who just turned one today.

They just had a small celebration— cake-cutting and dinner with Jungkook's parents and Jin's.

It was all quiet and simple but as soon as they left Jungkook shut himself in his room after handing Junghyun to his brother.

"No." Jungyoon shook his head, his phone still pressed to his ear while he continued to try and contact Jungkook who was nowhere to be seen from two hours.

"Fuck!", he cursed. "He isn't picking up. Do you know where he could go?", he asked Jin.

Jin let out a tired sigh. "I don't know. I just saw him crying and then he left saying he'll be back but look! It is literally two now in the morning.", he exclaimed, angry at how careless Jungkook is being leaving just like that.

They both had heard him crying in the room a few hours ago, he wasn't really sleek. He was crying, sobbing and screaming loudly. They let him, it wasn't the first time.

Jungkook got overwhelmed easily sometimes these days, he has been particularly sensitive this week and he would stop crying if they interfere. So they let him, at least it would relieve his frustration.

"Wait! He's calling.", Jungyoon gasped showing Jin the screen which showed Jungkook's caller ID.

"Hurry! Pick it up!" Jin ushered, thankfully Junghyun has finally quietened down a little, and was now sucking on the pacifier with quiet sniffles. Jin looked at baby sadly and pecked his forehead.

"Hewwoo Hyungieee? Is it you? I'm your Jungkookie! I missshhhh you"

"He sounds drunk.", Jungyoon guessed. The phone was on speaker so that the both of them could hear.

"Hello? Taehyungie? I was juss thinking 'bout you! Hellloow?"

Jin's mouth fell open along with Jungyoon. Why would Jungkook try calling Taehyung?

"Are you still angry with your Kook? I'm really sorry."

Jungyoon hushed Jin when he was about to speak. "No, let's just listen to him.", he said. At least this way they could know what Jungkook has had in his mind all along.

"Our baby turned one today." They could hear him giggle. "You know he's so cute and fluffy. Just like you, he is just like you, reminds me of you every time I cuddle with him. Our cuddly little bear hehe"

There was a giggle before he continues. "You know he said his first word a few weeks ago.", more drunken giggles, "Do you know it was you? Haha of course, you don't but now I lost the bet." They heard him huff. "Yes, I know. Fine, I'll give you the fifty kisses," suddenly his voice fell, it became sad, soft, as if he was tired, "bu-but when will you come b-back to me? I need you, hyung with me."

When Jungkook fell silent, Jungyoon whispered Jin to say something.

Jin tried to make his voice deep and low, just like Taehyung's, mentally cringing at whatever he was doing. "Baby, where are you?", he asked sweetly, praying Jungkook was drunk enough to believe that he was Taehyung.

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