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Hey! 😀

I'm here and I said I wouldn't update—

But— pfft.
I'm a liar :)

Let's all start with praising Jin's holy abs🛐I would so lick the fuck out of them when given the chance 😭

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Let's all start with praising Jin's holy abs🛐
I would so lick the fuck out of them when given the chance 😭

Get ready for double update today. I'm on a very very aggressive writing spree


"Listen carefully, my baby.", Jungkook said, putting Junghyun down, "I'm gonna be a little busy today. So I want you to be a good boy and not run around."

Junghyun nods his head and salutes him like a solider. "Yessss, Appa!" and Jungkook has to squint his eyes to see if the boy is serious about agreeing but he finds zero percent of it which is not really surprising.

"When does he ever listen to me?", he asks as his son waddles away to Jin who just got out of the passenger seat after applying sunscreen to his face. He also has sunglasses placed on his eyes to shield his eyes from the sunlight.

Jin beams and pulls out another pair of sunglasses, a small ones, from his pouch and place it on Junghyun's face who squeals.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. Here goes the daily drama of his life.

"Handsome uncle and his handsome prince.", Jin exclaimed, taking a selfie of himself with his son who was making a very serious face for the pic and Jungkook rolls his eyes  as he instantly hears a ding in his pant's pocket where he kept his phone, most definitely a snapchat notification from Jin.

Just how fast is this Kim Seokjin guy?
Jungkook scoffs.

"Jungoo, baby, are you hungry?", he then hears Seokjin ask Junghyun as proceeds to take out four suitcases and two duffle bags out from the car.

"You both just had breakfast! Stop talking and help me, hyung!", Jungkook snaps at Seokjin who rolls his eyes, yeah.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I was just thinking about the poor child. Sue me." Jin says, as if offended.

"I wish.", Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

Suddenly, Jin claps his hands. "Alright, time for work.", he announced like it was a fucking circus and he was the Trainor there, "You take these boxes to the elevator and I'll carry all the precious stuff so it's safe.", he ordered pointing out to the moving truck which had almost eight big boxes that were to be moved.

Jungkook nods. "Yeah, okay hyung. Thanks, finally.", he rolls his eyes and picks up a box with ease.

He watches as Jin bends down and picks Junghyun up in his arms and marches off  to the direction of the elevator talking passionately about some random things, without even sparing him another glance.

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