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Many must be sleeping by now... But Nvm, here I am... Updating


Author's POV

Humans aren't perfect.

They are made of mistakes and regrets.

They do things in anger, then regret it later.

This isn't something that's hidden and something that's so sinful that you can't believe how dare they.

Even if it's for a fraction of moment, humans regret everything they do, they choose.

So when someone says that they 'regret meeting you', 'regret doing something' and call something the 'worst decision of their life'... It's not because they want to change it somehow.

They did it. They regreted the bad consequences that came with it.

But that doesn't mean they don't appreciate all the little treasures and don't embrace the great joys that it brought them.

In the last update, Jungkook said 'If he did not have Hyunie, he could have Taehyung with him.' Many can get upset but I want you all to embrace the fact that yes, he regreted the decision somehow and there is nothing wrong with it.

By no means he meant that he didn't want Junghyun with him, it was his drunk mind, which didn't how much he should actually speak, spoke his honest thoughts.

Even then, he never regreted having Junghyun.

He didn't mean that he regretted giving birth to him. What he meant was he wished he could have done things in some better way. Where he would have Taehyung and Junghyun both and he wouldn't be here regretting all of this.

He regretted what he did in that spur of moment when he decided he would choose his baby over Taehyung.

There is a very thin line between the decisions and regrets and often is it broken. Remember this.


So yeah, I hope no one wants it to be a fairytale just because it's fiction.
Stop expecting everything to be perfect and have a sweet sugary truth behind every rash decision.

That's not how it works.

I decided to write this here because I wasn't really good with my words in the chapter before and I think I didn't clarify it like I should have and I don't think someone would read such a long note so... Wtv 🗿

Now, the chapter...


When Jungkook returned back to the table with Jungyoon after about twenty minutes, both of their eyes were red. There was no doubt about they had both been crying.

But no one tried to show it. They were all curious, of course but they obviously didn't want to force bad memories out of any of them because when they asked Jin what was it about and Jin replied saying it was a scary day, it was clear that they shouldn't try to pry.

But Taehyung was going crazy.

What could have happened on a baby's birthday that could be apparently so bad that Jungkook couldn't even think of it without crying?

Jin's hands had been shaking a little since the brothers had left and Taehyung very well noticed that.

Thankfully Junghyun was tired and not really paying attention to anything other than the ice-cream he was having, more like getting fed by Namjoon with a gentle smile. (Kim Junghyun, you lucky puppy. Be grateful to me.)

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