°CHAPTER - 41°

5.7K 321 111

The chapters from now on might be short 😀


"Must have been really tough." Taehyung commented softly, listening to Jungkook as he narrated more and more stories about Junghyun's childhood.

"It was, at first.", Jungkook agreed with a hum. "But then I realized that was the job that I could actually handle along with raising a child."

Well, Taehyung and Jungkook were done with the crying and the apologies. Now, both of them were plopped against the headboard supported by the pillows and cushion.

Jungkook was telling Taehyung about how he worked as a gym trainer for a living before he decided on becoming an idol.

"It worked because I could do the early shifts in the morning till about ten or eleven and then late evening shifts till night.", Jungkook explained, his voice was soft and nostalgic. "Jin hyung stayed with us since um.. that incident and since he was doing a distant learning course from the University, he took care of Junghyun meanwhile but he usually was asleep while I worked so... Yeah, it was convenient."

Taehyung hummed. "Jin hyung did a lot for Hyunie." He sounded grateful. Maybe he should thank him for taking care of his son in his absence, when he didn't have to.

Jungkook hummed, his eyes filling with tears again. He sniffled. "He did. I can never be grateful enough for what he did. If h-he wasn't there—"

"Hey, Jungkook. Please, no more crying.", Taehyung whispered when he saw that Jungkook was tearing up.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Jungkook sniffles and blinks his tears back.

"I should apologize to Hyung. Now, I feel bad for saying all that to him.", Taehyung says, listening to all this made him feel worse.

"Well, you can't really blame yourself for talking to him like that, you didn't know after all."

Taehyung hummed, did not say anything in regard to that.

"Do you—", Taehyung looked at Jungkook in the eyes as he asked, "Do you ever think about us?"

Jungkook kind of froze. His eyes going a little wide. "Huh?"

Taehyung exhaled, shaking his head. "Leave it, noth—"

"Yes, often.", Jungkook whispered cutting Taehyung off who looked at him in astonishment. The younger looked at him and chuckled softly. "Why?", he asked him. His tone light and teasing, "Did you expect a negative answer?"

Taehyung bit his lip and shook his head, cheeks turning a little read. He cleared his throat before answering. "No. Of course not."

Jungkook let out a laugh before sighing. "I know my actions from the past say otherwise, but I did love you, a lot actually."

"So did I." Taehyung hummed at him. "I was devastated when we separated."

"I'm sorry."

Taehyung smiled lightly at him before looking down at his fingers.

"Why this sudden question though?", the younger asked curiously. Taehyung thought for a moment, before deciding to tell him the truth.

"It had been bugging me since Jiminie questioned me about it once."

Jungkook nodded, knowing there was more to it, asking him to continue, assuring that he wasn't offended by the claim of his best friend.

"He asked me if you really did love me because someone who loved you wouldn't do that. I thought a lot about it, for a long time." He let out a tired breath before looking at him. "Well, now that I see it, I wasn't the most considerate boyfriend ever so I don't who to blame."

Jungkook sighed. "Why is it so complicated?"

Taehyung chuckled humorlessly. "Wish I knew."

Taehyung suddenly chuckled catching Jungkook's attention who looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"What is it? Tell me.", Jungkook insisted. The curiosity inside of him was bubbling.

"There was this weird theory that Yoongi Hyung came up with?"


"Mhh, about why you did all that."

"Really?", Jungkook asked surprised, "What did he say?" Yoongi was the last person Jungkook expected to make a theory about that. He was curious to know what he thought.

"How do I say it? It's really stupid and weird." Taehyung scratched his head, only continuing when Jungkook insisted.

"Well, he said that you might have let me go because I, so badly, wanted to be an idol and maybe you kept away Hyunie because you were worried it would tamper my reputation."

Jungkook couldn't help the snort that left his lip. "That's the most bullshit justification ever.", he stated with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well, that's because he reads a lot of silly fanfictions.", Taehyung added with a small laugh.

"I mean... Does it even make sense? Why would I do that when I was angry with you?", Jungkook asked, a little increduled, "You weren't the only one who wanted to be an idol. I did too, so badly. Why would I let you go happily when the baby was supposed to be both of our responsibilities? I wasn't the only one who had hand in my pregnancy."

"I know.", Taehyung nodded.

"Why would I let you go? We decided if we go up, we go together but when we had to actually go, you weren't ready. So I left your hand, letting you go and decided to go down myself."

Taehyung sighed. "I wish I hadn't been a coward."

"I wish that too."

"One thing I don't understand till today is that how did you get pregnant? As far as I remember, we always used condoms.",Taehyung asked after a few minutes of silence.

Jungkook shrugged. "Funny thing, even I don't know how that happened.", he honestly said.

"Must've broke."

Jungkook looked at him in confusion. "Huh?"

"The condom, " Taehyung looked at him, giving a wide smile. "Must've broke sometimes."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at Taehyung's wolfish grin. "Shut up! Then that is your fault!"

Taehyung let out a loud laugh. "Great now you blame it at me. Maybe it's your fault for being so tigh—", he chuckled when he saw Jungkook glare at him. "I mean, how is it my fault if it ripped? It can be yours too."

Jungkook screamed, flustered by Taehyung and threw his pillows at Taehyung who laughed loudly.


The older ran out of the room and into Junghyun's. Leaving a red fuming Jungkook on his bed.

"H-how dare he say that? Oh God, he's still a fucking pervert."

Meanwhile Taehyung giggled lowly, letting out small laughter remembering Jungkook's flustered state. He plopped on Junghyun's bed, crawling to him quickly and cuddling him.

The little one immediately purred and snuggled closer to him, wrapping his little arms around Taehyung who cooed before pecking his forehead.

"Sleep tight, my baby."

Words: 1209

This convo was kinda important too... I mean I had to show that they are slowly letting things go

And... What do y'all think?

45 chapters + epilogue OR 50 chapters + epilogue?

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