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Hi (maybe for the last time here) 👋

Also, shitty smut incoming.
No one will judge me because it's my first time 😭


Jungkook looked around the apartment with his mouth wide open, he couldn't believe his eyes. Was what he seeing even real? Well, it sure wasn't very disgestable to him. He heard a chuckle behind him and was stunned to see Taehyung standing there in a sparkly suit.

He couldn't help but chuckle. "Why are you so dressed up and what even is all this?"

Taehyung bowed at him dramatically with one hand over his chest. "A surprise date for my beloved Jungkookie." He held his hand and brought the back of his hand to his mouth and placed a chaste kiss on his knuckles. "And what do you mean dressed up? I'm just wearing a suit."

Jungkook shook his head. Of course there's no use arguing with Taehyung over his choice of clothes for a 'cozy home date'. "Of course, and what's the occasion for the date today?"

"Just a little time for us after a busy month." Taehyung explained as he led the younger inside by a gentle tug at their intertwined hands. Jungkook follows him inside with zero resistance.

"Where's Hyunie?" The younger asked watching amused how Taehyung pouted and babbled away how Jimin and Yoongi snatched his son away from him when he told them he was planning a surprise date for them, saying Junghyun would be better with them.

jungkook couldn't help but laugh at Taehyung's grumbling.

"Well, that makes this our first date after years without Hyunie." Jungkook comments making Taehyung nod. "Well,true."

Taehyung helps Jungkook shrug his bag off along with his jacket and puts them away in his room.

He comes back running like an excited puppy as he drags the younger's hand and makes him sit on the table which has been laid lavishly with a table cloth with flower petals scattered around and scented candles.

Taehyung pecks his hand once again before taking a seat in front of him, looking into Jungkook's eyes that shine brighter than the lights the candles give out, highlighting the radiance on the younger male's face. His bunny smile, his shy demeanor and the little dimples peeking out of his cheeks.

"You look beautiful.", Taehyung whispers, mesmerized.

Jungkook ducks his head down. "I literally just came back home all sweaty and dirty.", he answers, scoffing a little at how ridiculous it is that he is blushing nonetheless.

The older clicks his tongue before, sitting up straighter and leaning across the table. "Still more beautiful than everyone in the world."

Jungkook giggles before shaking his head fondly at the cheesy reply and as dramatic as Taehyung is, pulls out a fancy bottle of wine and serves them both a glass.

They clink their glasses together as they start talking about things they don't know where the topics came out of and as they ate, they caressed each other's hands and shared smiles that screamed 'love'.

And it was after an hour later when they were done with food and just giggling, slightly tipsy, the both of the them.

Taehyung stood up dramatically, taking his wine with him and cleared his throat. He chugged it down in a go before putting the glass down and taking his phone out.

All this time, Jungkook just stared fondly at how Tae fumbled with his coat pocket to take his phone out and pouting at in concentration before a smile of triumph took place on his face.

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