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13K+ ready 🥺
I want to kiss y'all

13K+ ready 🥺I want to kiss y'all

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Now, enjoy your most awaited chapter! 🤑
Do tell me if you don't understand any point, I'll be glad to explain



Junghyun and Taehyung, who were taking congratulatory wishes from the staff, were startled by the sudden shout of the name.

Taehyung turned around with Junghyun is his arms and faced Jungkook whose face was red in fury.

A guilty expression and feeling took over Taehyung. He didn't even ask Jungkook, he should probably apologize. "Jungkoo—"

"No, shut up! Who told you this was alright?", he asked through gritted teeth, throwing his hands up.

Taehyung looked around the staff and then bowed his head as an apology. Now that he did that, Jungkook realised too that this wasn't the best place to shout. He bowed too.

Taehyung moved towards him and took a hold of one of his arm in hand while he held Junghyun in his other arm and escorted him to a secluded room where they can talk.

Jungkook let Taehyung drag him. He's gonna burst out bad, he needs to be in a safe area.

Jungkook snatched his arm from Taehyung's hand as soon as they entered the room.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who had his arms crossed on his chest and sighed. "Let me explain it to you.", he said.

"Yes, you better explain all that to me but before that... ", he turned his eyes to Junghyun, "What did I tell you? Huh?"

His voice was so loud that Junghyun flinched.

"I asked you to stay with your uncle. Did I or did I not, Jeon Junghyun?", he snapped at the boy, angrily.

Junghyun looked down and played with his hands. His eyes were already filled with tears.

"Who told you it was okay for you to go up to the stage like that?? Huh?! Can't you listen to me for onc—"

"Jungkook!", Taehyung interrupted, hugging the boy to his chest, "That's not his fault. Shout at me, not at him."

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he watched Taehyung hug Junghyun. "Put him down.", he sternly said.

Taehyung looked at him with a pained expression. "He's crying.", he whispered, peeking down at the boy who was hugging his neck, his little head placed on  his chest.

Jungkook clenched his jaw, hard. "He can stand on his own. You don't need to carry him. Put. Him. Down.", he gritted out.

Taehyung sighed. "The boy that was supposed to go onto the stage with me started crying last minute and he wasn't ready to go up the stage.", he started explaining, Junghyun still in his arms. "We had no options. Sejin-hyung suggested we should take Hyunie. I denied, obviously."

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