°CHAPTER - 26°

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Happy JK day! 💖




The point where I ended the last chapter... It wasn't supposed to end there. I'm surprised no one noticed that the ending was tooo abrupt to be a cliffhanger

I actually wrote two-three lines after that but I think it got deleted accidentally before publishing.

It's funny how no one asked me how the fuck did the ending look like a cliffhanger? 💀
Y'all, don't agree with whatever shit I write.
Please point out where I'm wrong!

I'm sorry 😭


"C-come inside please, Hyung.", Jungkook started out after he saw Taehyung standing there, just standing in the doorway just staring at Hyunie with a broken look.

Taehyung didn't even look up at Jungkook, kept his gaze down at Junghyun. He clenched his jaw. If he looks at Junglook, he'll loose shit, he knew.

"Appa! Lwook TaeTae!", Junghyun exclaimed to Jungkook who passed him a strained smile.

"TaeTae can meet Dada too! Rwight, Appa?"

(This is where the last chap was supposed to end)

Jungkook froze in his place and let out a small gasp like noise startled by the question. Taehyung let out a small scoff as if saying 'It's what you've done, Jungkook!'

The brunette bit his lips and held his hand and sternly glared at Junghyun, silently telling him to keep quiet.

"Let's get inside first a-and then talk."

Taehyung said nothing but walked inside when Jungkook step aside to let him in. He immediately walked into the living room followed by the patter of little feet behind him.

Jungkook leaned his forehead against the door after he closed it and wiped his tears.

This is so so harder than I've thought.

He can't even imagine how Taehyung must be feeling.

He walked into the living room to see Taehyung sitting on the couch with a glass of water in his hands which were visibly shaking and he was bouncing his left knee up and down.

Junghyun was nowhere to be seen but soon he found him running outside of his room with his notebook in his little hands.

"TaeTae!", he excitedly hopped to Taehyung who immediately kept the glass away and caught the boy who jumped on him and made him sit on the couch beside him.

"Hyunie got A!", he beemed at him as he literally shoved the notebook to Taehyung's face who blinked and moved his head away before Junghyun could make him blind by poking his eyes.

He smiled proudly at the colorful coloring of his son.

It doesn't matter to him if it was just a printed sheet on which an outline of the ice cream was drawn and how Junghyun had colored the top of it black, messily.

"It ish chocolate ice-crweam!", he then informed showing his cute teeth in a wide smile making Taehyung laugh.

His son was definitely as creative as him.

"It looks very tasty, Hyunie!", Taehyung praised as he ruffled his hair. Junghyun beemed at him before frowning.

"But Woowoo got A-plush! Teacher not give Hyunie star because it wash not pwink.", he then huffed and in a pout.

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