°CHAPTER - 46°

7K 345 137

Missed me?

I promise this chapter would be all worth for your waiting!!! 🥺


"Oh, Hyung?", Jungkook asks surprised as he sees the blue-haired idol in front of his door. He looked too tired.

"Hey!", Taehyung greets, a small smile he manages to put on , "I know I was supposed to come tomorrow but since I had already finished my work so I came. Hope you don't mind."

Jungkook shakes his head. "No, no. It's not anything like that. Please come inside." He takes his bag away from him so the older could take his coat off.

Taehyung smiles gratefully at him which Jungkook returned.

"You look tired. It looks like you didn't sleep well last night.", Jungkook points out as they walk into the living room.

And just a moment later there was a gasp of realization from the younger. "Don't tell me that you worked overnight just because you wanted to come here.",  he questions, which sounds more like an accusation, after just a second.

Taehyung smiles a little sheepishly. "I was already tangled into it so thought to finish it anyways. The quicker, the better."

"But you shouldn't skip sleep. Look at yourself, you look half dead." And here comes the fretting.

Taehyung laughs. "Stop exaggerating, Jungkook. It's was just one night, I wasn't sleepy anyways.", he shrugs.

"But stillllllll..."

"Well, how about you cuddle me tonight then and I might even be able to catch up on the sleep of last night too. What say, Jungkookie?", he suggested as he wiggles his brows at Jungkook who scoffed.

Jungkook gives him a blank stare before slapping his arm. "Your flirting skills have deflated awfully, Mr. Kim.",he faltly replies before walking away.

"You can always help me, Mr. Jeon. In many ways.", Taehyung smirks and Jungkook gestures him to just shut up.

"Would you like some tea?", Jungkook asks and Taehyung shakes his head. "No, just water is fine."

Jungkook walks off to bring it and Taehyung lays on the couch with a huff as a small smile makes it to his face when he hears Jungkook telling something to Junghyun.

He sighs, thinking how this gives him in an insight of if only this had happened at right times, what would their lives be like.

Just like this - someone who will wait for him, fret over his health like that, and a little bundle of joy to which he wants to return home to as soon as possible.

Taehyung does not even know what was the last time when he had gone to his own dorm room. He is at the office or Jungkook's dorm at all the times.

It feels homely to be here, to return to after a tiring day at work. Well, Taehyung will relish this moment as long as he can. Fool his heart with this idea of perfect life.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dada!!!" And here comes his bundle of energy.

"Hey, little man.", Taehyung greets as he waves at the boy running in his direction.

"Je—Kim Junghyun! What did I just tell you? Don't disturb your dad and go to your room and do the homework.", Jungkook shouts as he emerges from the kitchen.

Junghyun who had now successfully climbed the couch and was crawling to his father's chest, ignored him completely, wrapping himself around Taehyung like a koala.

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