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"Take care of yourself. Okay baby?" Jungkook planted a kiss on the little one's forehead.

Junghyun nodded his head. He was tired because his appa has now been repeating it almost all the morning, since he woke the former up.

Now don't even think 'what a nice child... Going school without throwing a fit' NOPE.

The drama has already been done. He had thrown a huge fit. Dumped the soap into the toilet so he won't have to bath. Because the smarty pants always heard his appa say 'he can't go to school without bathing'.

But alas, he didn't know that his father had many bathing soaps. He had cried loudly, with big fat tears, but his heartless father had paid no attention to the little bean and bathed him without batting an eyelash.

When he tried to scream, his father threatened him - if he didn't stop, he'll be left at school and never brought back, and that, of course, shut him up.

When he refused to get into the car, the evil father bribed him - if he goes to school, he'll get an ice cream later. And he was a weak child after all, lost his fight. Sniffling, he sat and was now here, in the place called 'school'.

"Appa, go now.", he says, pouting his lip. The teacher of the play school standing there with a small smile.

"Jin-hyung will come and pick you up today. Appa has interview with the company. I told you last night." The young boy bobs his head with a large smile.

"Best of luck, Appa."

Jungkook just smiled at him. His little boy was so excited for him. He remembers how he had been jumping around the whole house when he first told him that.

"Good luck, Mr. Jeon. Hope you'll do well in whatever you're trying.", Junghyun's teacher, who had been watching said.

"Thank you, Miss Carter." She blushed as Jungkook flashed her a charming smile. Jungkook was insanely charming, not even a question about that.

"Just call me Ami, Mr. Jeon.",

The teacher said as she took Junghyun's hand in hers and ruffled his hair, "Say bye to your appa now, Junghyun.", she told the boy who shyly smiled and nodded his head, wasn't really a fan of affection from new people.

The boy waved and then walked away with the teacher. Jungkook sighed, waving back before walking towards his car and settling down.

He heaved a sigh watching his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed semi-formally - a baby blue dress shirt and dark denims. His once very neatly styled hairs ruffled slightly due to the wrestle with his own son to get into the car , which he eventually had to force the boy into.

He huffed.

Parenting was difficult. Being a single parent was even more difficult. And having a hyperactive child who needed constant attention was just a cherry on top.

He was going to the company for the interview. He had already given one online though, but just for the sake of it, he's gonna have to perform in front of the director and some producers.

He quickly gulped down the remaining of the iced-Americano from the container, and got out of the car as soon as he successfully pulled up into the parking lot of the tall building labeled as HYBE.

Needless to say, the building looked magnificent. It stood tall and proud among the other buildings, standing out easily due its height.

Jungkook shakes his head, taking a deep breath he calms himself down. He wasn't scared. No, not at all. He was just a little nervous, which he didn't really have to be because he was already selected but - his heart.

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