°CHAPTER - 10°

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*grins* Hey!!!!

Updated cuz feeling generous today
(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

This one is a flashback. The continuation of the one in Chapter-3

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*Four years ago*

"H-hyung", Jungkook borke into a sob in Taehyung's arm before blurting, "I'm pregnant."

He felt the way Taehyung froze in his place with him still between his arms, the arms rubbing his back stilled as Taehyung snapped his head down to look at him.

"W-what?", he asked Jungkook, shocked obviously and the latter could just burst into sobs as more tears followed.

Taehyung exhaled shakily, gulping the lump in his throat and pulled the boy to his chest. "Shh, baby. It's okay. It's not your fault. Calm down.", he consoles his crying boyfriend curled up to his chest, even though his mind was a mess itself.

After about ten minutes of sobbing and silence, Jungkook pulls back from the hug, sniffling slowly. "Hyungie- I'm pr-pregnant.", he mumbled again and Taehyung can literally see his eyes brimming with tears again.

Taehyung sighs and presses his lips against Jungkook in a long peck, knowing it would calm him down, actually, the both of them.

Taehyung proceeds to place a hand on Jungkook's stomach and exhales shakily. "You're... We are pregnant?",he said, more like asked and Jungkook nodded feverishly a few times, his eyes fixed on the warm palm on his belly, a small ghost of smile on his face.

"Aren't you gonna say," he sniffs, "something?"

Taehyung looked pained, like someone was squeezing throat. He could barely believe that they were pregnant and at this time. It was too much.

"Baby.", he brings a hand to cup Jungkook's face, words coming out so rough and dragged as he forced himself to talk, "Stop crying, okay? Let's talk. We'll talk about it, hm?", he wipes the tears off of his face, "Sh, stop. No more crying."

Jungkook nods his head. "Okay.", he sniffles. "You- you're not m-mad, right?", he asked and the insecurity in his voice breaks something inside of Taehyung. He presses his lips against Jungkook's in an assuring kiss.

"Baby...", he whispered, "Why would I be mad at you?", he asked, pecking his lip again softly in a feathery touch. "Hm? It wasn't just you. It was me as well. It takes two to tango."

Jungkook lets out a laugh at the last part. "Stop making it weird.", he whined, slapping Taehyung's chest who let out quiet chuckles as well.

Taehyung moved a hand to Jungkook's belly and Jungkook almost teared up again.

Taehyung's palm on their baby, where his baby is right now, it felt so good!

"I-", Taehyung hesitated to say, his throat clogging, "Jungkook, you know that we can't keep this baby, right?"

Jungkook moved away to look at Taehyung in disbelief, shock and hurt. Taehyung saw Jungkook's expression and sighed.

This was not the reaction Jungkook expected from his Taehyung at all. Absolutely not.

He knew Taehyung would be over the moon! Maybe a little stressed? Yes. But he would never say anything like this.

"Baby- don't get me wrong.", he said, pulling Jungkook back to his chest, "There's nothing I would love more than our child. But you have to understand. This is not the right thing to do now."

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