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Okay, my poor ass would like to apologize to @smruti-89 for promising to publish a chapter weeks ago and then disappearing.

I'm sowwwyyyy :(

Please forgive my sorry ass and accept the sorry hug from me!

Please forgive my sorry ass and accept the sorry hug from me!

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"Jeon Junghyun!"

Both Taehyung and little Junghyun were startled by the loud voice. The poor boy flinched badly.

"Sejin hyung?", he asked glaring at the man as he caressed the boy's head assuringly, "Why are you shouting? He's just a child. You scared him."

Sejin, who is a manager at Hybe, huffed. "Sorry but—", he took a huge breath, "It's not my fault. His father is dead-scared about where he ran away. I have already searched four floors and finally found him here.", he said taking deep breaths.

Taehyung looked at the boy in his lap. "Hey, little prince? Did you not tell your appa before coming here?"

The boy looks up with a sullen pout and shakes his head confirming that he did not. Taehyung sighs.

"You shouldn't do that, hm? That's bad manners. Your father must be worried about you.",he told him softly as he flicked his fist lightly on his forehead.

"Hyunie wanted ice-crweam.", he said through the pout.

"Ow, poor babie!" Taehyung patted his head as he got up. "Still. You shouldn't do that, okay? It's dangerous. Promise you won't do that now.", he asked holding his pinky close to the boy's small hand.

"Pwomise.", the boy muttered softly passing him a toothy smile as he intertwined his pinky with the idol's.

"Let's go, Junghyun. Your appa is waiting for you.", Sejin says forwarding a hand.

Taehyung hands Junghyun the phone he gave him for taking selfies. "Go to your appa now. I'll see you sometimes again.", he said as he ruffled the soft hair of the boy.

The boy nodded as he grasped the hand of the manager, waving his hand in tiny. Taehyung cooed as he saw the blob of his hair bouncing on his head with the moment of his nods.

"Aahhh, take him, hyung. Or I might just kidnap him. He's so cuttteee!", Taehyung whined to which Sejin rolled his eyes.

"You want to kidnap every single child. What's new?", he asked boredly as he said in his phone to someone — "Yes, I found him. Rest assured."

Taehyung chuckled. "Not my fault they are all so cute.", he said, bending down again to squeeze the boy's cheek who screeched loudly trying to get his hands away from his face making Taehyung laugh. "See, so so cute. Aw."

Sejin pulled Junghyun back. "Okay, leave him now. Stop squeezing the poor child.", he said as he picked up the little boy who was pouting as he rubbed his palms against his now red chubby cheeks and Taehyung wants to bite those cute cheeks but he just smiled. "Let's go to your appa.", Sejin said to the boy.

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