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  And we're gonna get updates now

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  And we're gonna get updates now. Huhuhuhhuhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hope no one forgot me 🥺👉👈




I'm really sorry... I just had a few rough days but I'm back. I apologize for being so late ❤

I was feeling fucked up cuz of my life and I have a exam tomorrow early morning and I know nothing of it and will surely fail but here I am updating to lessen my stress sooo... ENjoY!!!


"Breathe, Jungkook.", Jin said, rubbing his hands up and down Jungkook's back. "You can't freak out like that right now."

Jungkook heaved a heavy breath. His chest going up and down as he leaned onto Jin's chest. "Hyung, I'm- please bring me Junghyun. I need to hug him. I'm scared.", he whispered.

"Scared?"Jin echoed. "Why?" A frown took over his chiseled face. Jin frowned. He's never seen Jungkook being so freaked out for performing but debuting on stage is a big deal.

Jungkook groaned, throwing his head back as if something was choking him. "I don't know.", he whispered, "I just feel like something is gonna happen... Something..."

"Something bad?", Jin asked, confused as he saw Jungkook shake his head at it.

"Just... something big. And I don't know. It's scaring me. I feel it in my stomach."

"Don't be silly!"Jin shook his head and tapped his head lightly. "It's just your nervousness. You're going on the stage for the first time."

Jungkook huffed. "It could be that. I don't know why I feel-", Jin interrupted him.

"Stop right there!", Jin pinches his cheek to stop him from speaking, "That's just an opening act, Jungkook. Let's keep this nervous talks for later when you debut as an idol for real.", he says with a teasing smile.

Jungkook swats his hand away. "I'm still going there as an idol.", he whined.

It was the day of the BTS concert. Jungkook wasn't really a part of the group yet. His album with the group would be released next month but he was asked to do the opening act for the group.

"Anyways, where's Junghyun?", Jungkook asked. Jin shrugged. "He was with Jungyoon. I think he's still with him."

Jungyoon was Jungkook's older brother. He had been in Seoul for a few days' work so he also decided on attending Jungkook's opening act at the concert. Jungkook's parents wanted to come as well, but they were attending a family wedding. (I already named his child as Junghyun so now I'm making a name for his brother. 😂 )

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